    " Why do cherry blossoms bloom in spring ? "


     Nowadays, many cherry blossoms bloom from late March to early April.
(注:nowadays =〔副〕この頃。recently は、主に現在完了、過去時制に用いられ、
(現在時制には余り使われない。blossom 〔名〕(特に果樹の)花。flower = 草花)

Many people look forward to the banquet of cherry blossoms held under the full bloom of cherry blossoms every year, but this year, it has also been banned because of the new coronavirus pneumonia.

(注:look forward to ~=~を楽しみにする。banquet = 〔名〕宴会、ごちそう)
(ban = 〔動〕禁止する。new coronavirus pneumonia =新型コロナウイルス肺炎)
3. 実は、桜の花びらが、しぼんで、散ってから3ヶ月後くらい、つまり、その年の
As a matter of fact, about 3 months after cherry blossom petals wither and fall off, that is, around summer
of the same year, cherry "blossom buds" which are the source of flowers due to bloom the following year
are created.

(注:as a matter of fact = 実は。wither = 〔動〕しぼむ、枯れる。that is = すなわち)
(due (形) to ~=(ある時期に)~することになっている)
However, after they are created, the cherry blossom bud fall asleep for a while.  They begin to awaken
gradually after low temperature continues for a while.  Then, as spring approaches and temperature begins
to rise even more, the cherry blossoms bloom at once. 

   (注:bud 〔名〕芽、つぼみ)

 In other words, in order for cherry blossoms to bloom, the cold of the winter and the warmth of spring    are necessary.

   (注:in other words = つまり、言い換えれば。cold = 〔名〕寒さ。
  (warmth = 〔名〕暖かさ)

  The “flowering” of the cherry tree refers to a state where only a few or more flowers are
  in bloom,  and the “full bloom” refers to a state where 80% of the flowers are in bloom.

     (注:flowering 〔名〕開花。refer to ~=~を言及する。~のことを言う、を指す)
     (be in bloom = 咲いている。 full bloom = 満開)