      "Japanese cherry blossoms came from Himalaya"
    Japanese cherry blossoms are said to have their roots in the Himalayas.
In the temperate climate mountains around the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal, about

1,300 to 2,000 meters above sea level, there are autumn blooming cherry trees that

 begin to bloom from the end of October and continue to bloom for one month.

  There are also kinds of cherry trees that bloom early in spring, and there are also ones

 similar to  Japanese mountain cherry blossoms in China and Korea. So, it is said that cherry

 blossoms came  to Japan via China and Korea from the Himalayas.
  Somei-Yoshino is a clone that was created when the cross between "Edohigan" and

"oshimazakura" was  crossed with another type of cherry blossom, after which one particular plant with unique characteristics  was carefully selected and increased by grafting.
 (注:cross 〔名〕交配、雑種 〔動〕〔2種類の動植物〕を交配させる) graft 〔動〕接ぎ木する)                                                                

   In the late Tokugawa period (1853-1867), this gardening variety was improved by gardeners in Edo and Somei Village (currently Sugamo), and had spread nationwide since the Meiji era (1968-1912) .  It was marketed under the name of "Yoshino Sakura" and was later renamed "Somei Sakura" and continues to this day.
6.日本固有種のソメイヨシノは、  桜の代名詞のようになっている。
    Yoshino cherry blossom peculiar to Japan has become a synonym for cherry blossom
   "Somei Yoshino", which is an indicator of the "Sakura Front" that connects flowering areas

in a line, can be seen throughout Japan.
8. 染井吉野(ソメイヨシノ)は交配では作れず、すべて接ぎ木や挿し木によって
    Somei Yoshino can not be made by crossing different type.  They are all increased by grafting    and cutting .  Since all tree are originally from just one tree, they are all the clones of the same    tree.
9 世界各地に染井吉野がありますが、これはすべて同じ木だと言われています。
    There are Somei Yoshinos in places all over the world, but it is said that they are all the of same    trees. At first it was a single cherry tree, but from there it spread all over the world.
  (注:they are all the of same trees. = they all come from the same tree. それらは全部同じ木