 " The origins of  hole on the collar and sleeve buttons of a suit "  

1. スーツの襟はラペルと言います。 そして左のラペルの穴は「フラワー
     The collars of the suit is called lapels. The hole on the left collart is called "Flower Hole"
     or "Badge". 


    The accessory attached to the hole is called "Lapel Pin".


    Originally, Western men's clothing had a stand-up collar, but it is said that it became

 the current suit while it was simplified and the tightness was removed.
    In the 19th century in England, flowers such as a rose, a carnations  was inserted into

   the holes at the time of the party, so it seems to have been named "Flower Hole".
   The suit's sleeve buttons have an interesting origin about the French emperor Napoleon.


6. 1812年、ナポレオンは60万の大軍を引き連れてロシア遠征を行いますが、
    In 1812, Napoleon took 600,000 large troops to Russia with him.  It was so cold that

  many soldiers  wiped their runny noses with the sleeves of their clothes. 


7. 整列した軍隊の前を見回った際、兵士たちの袖が汚れたりテカったりしているのを

 When Napoleon looked around in front of the lined army and saw the soldiers' sleeves dirty and shiny, he worried that the party's dignity would be lost and ordered buttons to be put on the cuffs so that they could not wipe their runny noses.