The Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine

In the city of Rome, Italy there are two structures that have actually been representing centuries. The Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine are a stark contrast to one another. The first was built as a place for people to come and see gladiatorial games and other kinds of entertainment while the second was built as a triumphal arch to commemorate Constantine's victory over his rival.

The Colosseum

The largest amphitheater in Rome and among the greatest accomplishments of Roman engineering.

The Colosseum is a massive amphitheater in the center of Rome, with a seating capacity of 50,000. Finished in 80 AD under the rule of Emperor Titus, it was initially utilized for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles.

It is one of the greatest feats of Roman engineering, and its building reflects patterns in ancient Roman history such as the stress in between citizen and emperor that culminated with the topple of Nero. The Colosseum was built in two phases. The very first was finished in AD 80, and the second was ended up in the first half of the 4th century. It was designed as a task of engineering, with a huge concrete substructure.

The Arch of Constantine

A triumphal arch set up in honor Emperor Constantine, father of Christianity.

The Arch of Constantine was built in 315 AD to commemorate the triumph over Maxentius. Emperor Constantine's triumphal arch supplies a look of what life would have been like for Rome's residents during the time of the Empire. This triumphal arch is simply one example of how essential Constantine was to Rome. In reality, after the Emperor's death, his successor Constantius installed his own triumphal arch (the Arch of Galerius) on the exact same spot - a clear indication of Constantine's power in the Roman world.

How it is still utilized today

The Arch of Constantine was put up in 315AD to celebrate the emperor.

Rome is among the most historically abundant and famous cities on the planet. It has been home to some of the most effective and influential individuals for centuries. One such individual that made an enduring contribution to its history was Constantine, who became emperor in 306 AD. His greatest legacy was the Arch of Constantine, which was constructed 315 AD to honor the emperor.


These 2 monoliths represent the many accomplishments of the ancient Romans and their influence on history.

The Colosseum is a large building that was used for various functions during the Roman Empire. The most typical use was as an amphitheater utilized for gladiator battles and public eyeglasses like mock sea battles and animal hunts. It was also used as a quarry and a memorial, and some believe it might have been utilized to hold detainees of war. The Arch of Constantine is a triumphal arch commissioned by Emperor Constantine I in 315 advertisement and located in Rome, Italy.