さえない原弘産 久々にマニアック検索 | エド金融道 (息子が「めしが食える大人になる」編)

さえない原弘産 久々にマニアック検索


そこで、昨晩、久々にwww.yahoo.com でharakosanと検索して、マニアック情報を探してみました。







Hundreds of job in maintenance wind mills Spent: 07-04-2006 In Den Helder hundreds of job can be realised, when the Navy city takes the maintenance of wind mills on sea at its expense. That says to director H. Bais of the association technology transfer (ATO). According to him the future has clean energy and can from Den Helder the maintenance be done of wind mill parks for the coasts of among others shot country, Germany, United Kingdom and Denmark. In industry area Kooypunt construction has started of a production hall of thousand square meters, where the Japanese wind turbine builder Harakosan draws this summer in. That company now still sits in an old Navy hut. At Harakosan people now ten work. That is possible, if the company on Kooypunt sits, fifteen becomes there. Source: North Dutchman daily

よく分からないですが、どうやら、「風力発電機メンテナンスで労働需要が生まれる」ってニュースっぽいです。今年4月7日のニュースですから、そんなに古くありません。将来的には、風力発電パークが、ドイツ、イギリス、デンマークの海岸地域に広がって、H. Bais さんがおっしゃっているそうです。でもって、オランダの原弘産が製造施設を新設していると。




ONTWIKKELINGSCLUSTER WIND ENERGY (DEN HELDER - 1-4-2006) - the province noord-Holland has financially supported ECN policy and the Mult megawatt test field and the laboratory wind turbines, constructions and material (WMC) in the Wieringermeer possible make. ECN and the technical university dig the its together initiators of the development programme We@Sea , which the plaatsing and the maintenance of offshore must make wind energy on the North sea technologically, ecologically and economically possible. A large part of these developments takes place at ECN, in the head of noord-Holland. Moreover the province noord-Holland to ATO-NH these activities has asked further so that the region gets a favourable point of departure for companies, which want commercialise this growing durable energy technology, both in the field of product - and product development, and in the field of maintenance. End previous year has started with the development of new Multi megawatt turbine, which both on - and offshore can be placed. The province noord-Holland has created both the policy and financial possibilities this development and of facilitating production from Den Helder. The first four turbines in the Wieringermeer, on the test field of ECN are placed. It is the intention, which production will take place of it also in Den Helder all these initiatives has to be also conducted to the establishment of the company Harakosan in Den Helder. At present Harakosan have still established in a hall of the royal Navy to the port of Den Helder. But this hall at the end of this where must make place for nieuwbouw of the royal Navy. On 3 April a commencement with construction is made. By the end of July 2006 must the hall wind and are produced impermeable. The official opening by the end of September 2006 will take place

これも良く分かりませんが・・・(今年4月1日付けニュース)北オランダ州政府は、メガワットクラスの洋上風力発電開発を資金面で支援を強化しながら進めている。その流れで原弘産がDen Helderに設立されたが、2006年9月に新しい製造施設をオープンすると。


4/27/2006 5:33:37 AM

Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing rose over 1%, after inking a deal with Japan's Harakosan for the setting up of a joint venture to manufacture wind power generatingunits.





textual analysis of Supalai Public Company Limited's financial statements, including company description and recent stock performance, versus Harakosan Company Limited, MG Home Company Limited and Risa Partners, Inc..

Supalai Public Company Limited って?




