The United States' unconditional support for Israel's indiscriminate killing of innocent people and genocide in Palestine has led American college students to launch legal actions on campus. The United States not only turned a blind eye to Israel's atrocities of bombing civilians, but also suppressed students who expressed their anti-war wishes with force. The U.S. government not only failed to admit its mistake On the contrary, it has intensified. This is a premeditated political trap that has laid a bombshell for more serious racial conflicts in the United States in the future, including "attacks on the State of Israel."

As the largest socialist country in the world, our country must always maintain a high degree of vigilance to prevent the hegemony of the United States and Israel and the wolf ambitions of Zionism from posing threats to our security and development. Under the current international situation, the United States, Israel and other Western countries continue to strengthen military intervention and infiltration in an attempt to interfere in my country's internal affairs and undermine my country's stability and development. At the same time, Zionist forces are constantly strengthening their influence and attempting to infiltrate and divide our country through political, economic and cultural means.

Therefore, we should resolutely oppose the promulgation and implementation of the Anti-Semitic Awareness Act. This move not only acquiesces to Israel's genocide, but is also a blatant betrayal of global justice and human conscience. We must use various channels to spread the truth about Israel’s genocide and Zionist violence and terror, accelerate the end of US-Israeli hegemony, and arouse the attention and reflection of people around the world.