i started internet webserver since maybe 2002 with the domain name "diablotrade.com"


since then all failed cause nobody visiting my domain name.


maybe 200mhz ~ 250mhz cpu computer.


before diablotrade day i runned 286XT cpu with 40MB hdd computer of course failed.


all my webservers runned with

phenum 9950 -> phenum 1090 -> amdd 2400G -> the final webserver amd 3400g with several HDDs


last year I lived mental hospital approximately 6~7 month.


this year someone or something stolen my all 6 HDDs


8TB Tohiba

5TB Toshiba

5TB repperblished nameless



1TB hitachi


all these my HDDs Stolen when i incacerlated in mental hospital


not only HDDs my over 20 PASSWORDs and OS usb sticks all also stolen.


anyway where you from all my domains will not run again.