Hello again, just a quick blog today to stay active, its 7:52 PM right now (time of writing this), and my head hurts. I've been trying to clean, but its sort of hard to stay focused. I dont think I have ADHD or anything, If I do its a very minor case. It's just hard to stay motivated, I did cook A very good meal today, its a favorite of mine. I'll share the recipe next blog, its Potatoes and Eggs basically but very simple but, good. I did not have to go to school today casue the bus didn't come, I still had to do assignments online however. Anyways, the main point in today's story is that.


I had a dream A couple nights ago I would like to share with you all.

I had a dream, that I was a machine, that strived and wanted to be a human boy so badly like his peers around him. He was made fun of, and thought as and treated as if he was lower being, never an equal. Not by one single person. It tore him apart, all he could think about is destroying him self, "killing himself" so to speak, though he was not living. Despite the fact, he was just as capable as his human counterpart.


When his wish was finally granted by a god, in his sleep, when he woke he was the happiest he had ever been. He could feel emotion and think before, but now it felt different, I cant describe it, it was a weird feeling, something I could feel physicaly in my sleep, but now it mattered what he thought or feeled, and now would be treated as a equal.

I cant remeber what he did as an human, but it was far more heartless then what he did as a machine.





Good morning to the people in Japan, or afternoon maybe, Have a good day.


Freind Me on 3ds! / 私を 3ds に追加してください! : 2552-7392-1746

youtube / ユーチューブ :  

insta / インスタグラム : https://www.instagram.com/dr.sexyvegan/

Thank you for reading bye!! 
翻訳: さようなら、読んでくれてありがとう!!
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