

CO2: Ice Cores vs. Plant Stomata
CO2:氷床コア vs 植物の気孔

Posted on December 26, 2010by David Middleton

Anyone who has spent any amount of time reviewing climate science literature has probably seen variations of the following chart…

A record of atmospheric CO2 over the last 1,000 years constructed from Antarctic ice cores and the modern instrumental data from the Mauna Loa Observatory suggest that the pre-industrial atmospheric CO2 concentration was a relatively stable ~275ppmv up until the mid 19th Century. Since then, CO2 levels have been climbing rapidly to levels that are often described as unprecedented in the last several hundred thousand to several million years.

Ice core CO2 data are great. Ice cores can yield continuous CO2 records from as far back as 800,000 years ago right on up to the 1970′s. The ice cores also form one of the pillars of Warmista Junk Science: A stable pre-industrial atmospheric CO2 level of ~275 ppmv. The Antarctic ice core-derived CO2 estimates are inconsistent with just about every other method of measuring pre-industrial CO2 levels.
氷床コアのCO2データは素晴らしい。氷床コアは80万年まで遡って1970年代までもどる連続したCO2の記録を得ることができる。 氷床コアはまたWarmistaジャンク科学の柱の一つ(275 ppmv前後の安定した産業革命以前の大気中のCO2レベル)を形成している。南極氷床コアから派生したCO2の推定値は、産業革命前のCO2濃度を測定したほぼ全ての他の方法と矛盾している。

Three common ways to estimate pre-industrial atmospheric CO2 concentrations (before instrumental records began in 1959) are:

1) Measuring CO2 content in air bubbles trapped in ice cores.

2) Measuring the density of stomata in plants.

3) GEOCARB (Berner et al., 1991, 1999, 2004): A geological model for the evolution of atmospheric CO2 over the Phanerozoic Eon. This model is derived from “geological, geochemical, biological, and climatological data.” The main drivers being tectonic activity, organic matter burial and continental rock weathering.
GEOCARB (Berner et al., 1991, 1999, 2004):顕生累代における大気中CO2展開の地質学モデル。このモデルは "地質学、地球化学、生物学、気候学のデータ"から引き出されている。主なDriversは地殻変動活動、有機物の埋積、及び大陸の岩石風化である。
