
毎日新聞:ケニア独立運動:植民地時代の拷問に補償 英高裁決定(2012年10月06日)


Colonised and coloniser, empire's poison infects us all
Ideas that underpinned Britain's imperial project led not only to torture in Kenya, but war and catastrophe in Europe


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George Monbiot
The Guardian, Monday 8 October 2012 20.30 BST

Over the gates of Auschwitz were the words "Work Makes You Free". Over the gates of the Solovetsky camp in Lenin's gulag: "Through Labour – Freedom!". Over the gates of the Ngenya detention camp, run by the British in Kenya: "Labour and Freedom". Dehumanisation appears to follow an almost inexorable course.
アウシュビッツの門の上には"働けば自由の身になる"という言葉があった。レーニン強制収容所でのソロキャンプの門の上には"労働を通して - 自由を!"。ケニヤの英国が運営していた Ngenya収容所の門の上には "労働と自由"だ。 人間性喪失はほとんど冷酷非道なコースをたどるように思われる。

Last week three elderly Kenyans established the right to sue the British government for the torture that they suffered – castration, beating and rape – in the Kikuyu detention camps it ran in the 1950s.
