
Education Portal Academy
North American Exploration & Failed Colonies of France & England

Between 1497 and 1607, the rulers and leading citizens of European nations fought to establish their own empires in North America, as Spain had been doing for 100 years in South America. Learn about influential explorers and their failed attempts to establish their own New World colonies.

Motivations for Exploring

In the 12th century, Spanish Muslims, known as Moors, conquered the city of Mérida, Spain. According to legend, seven Catholic bishops fled the city in order to protect the relics of the church. They went to a faraway land across the sea known as Antilia and each of the bishops founded a city. The cities mined jewels and became so rich that they were made entirely of gold. At least, that's what the legend said…

Beginning in the 1400s, explorers from just about every seafaring European nation sought the legendary cities of gold. These explorations were paid for by rich European merchants or by monarchs with their own motives; they wanted to catch up with Spain. An economic policy called mercantilism dominated the era, in which nations competed for the most favorable balance of trade. The goal was to amass the most silver and gold.