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原文:http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Tubiana (仏語)

Maurice Tubiana, born March 25, 1920 in Constantine [1], is a biologist and a French cancer specialist. He is a member of the Academy of Sciences since June 6, 1988 [2].


Doctor of Medicine (1945), internal medicine (1946) in the laboratory of Frédéric Joliot-Curie, Doctor in Physics (1947), he stayed in the United States to study biophysics at UC Berkeley ( John D. Lawrence) (1948-1949), Associate Professor of Medical Physics (1952), radiologist hospitals of Paris (1958).

He is head of the Laboratory of Isotopes and the betatron at the Institut Gustave-Roussy (1952), then head of the department of radiation (1959-1982), professor of clinical and experimental radiotherapy to the medical faculty of Paris (1963-1989 ), Director of the INSERM unit of 66 clinical radiobiology (1966-1982), medical adviser to the Directorate of Higher Education (1968-1970), member of the board of INSERM (1970-1974), Director of the Institut Gustave-Roussy in Villejuif (1982-1988). He has authored over 300 scientific publications, several books, including his famous Introduction to radiobiology.
ギュスターヴ·ルシー研究所の同位体&ベータトロン研究所の所長(1952年)、その後放射線部の長(1959- 1982年)、パリの医学部における臨床的および実験的放射線治療の教授(1963~1989年 )、臨床放射線生物学INSERMのディレクター(1966~1982年)、高等教育総局の医療顧問(1968~1970年)、INSERM委員会の委員(1970~1974年)、Villejuifのゲーテギュスターヴ·ルシーのディレクター(1982~1988年)。 彼は、300以上の刊行物、有名な放射線生物学入門などの幾つかの本を執筆しています。

Appointed consultant to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1957 and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 1960, he was a member of the Scientific Committee of the WHO, Chairman of the Scientific Committees IAEA, Member of the Scientific and Technical Commission of Euratom (1968-1972) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, whose office is still among its members.

He attended the "Symposium on the implications of psychosocial development of the nuclear industry" held in Paris, 13-15 January 1977.
彼は1977年1月13-15日にパリで開催された "原子力産業の心理社会的発達の影響に関するシンポジウム"に参加した。

He chaired in 1978-1979 the French Nuclear Energy Society, a learned society close to the "nuclear lobby" [3]. In his memoirs, he makes no secret of his opinions favorable to the nuclear industry.

It is one of the experts who, wittingly or unwittingly, played down the consequences of the hazards of the radioactive cloud resulting from the Chernobyl accident. It goes up and estimate, 12 May 1986, the risk of this cloud for health is "quite small, comparable to that which would run someone who would smoke a cigarette every 10 years"

He spoke at the "International Conference on nuclear accidents and the future of energy. Lessons from Chernobyl" (15 to 17 April 1991, Paris).
彼は、 "原子力事故とエネルギーの未来に関する国際会議。チェルノブイリからの教訓"(1991年4月17日、パリ)で話した。

He was also President of the Supreme Council of Safety and Nuclear Information from 1990 to 1993 [5]. As a member of the Academy of Sciences, it is for this reason that the Minister of Research and Technology, Hubert Curien, consulted on whether to review the radiation protection standards (over Ac. Sc in November 1989, Risks from ionizing radiation and radiation protection standards).
彼はまた1990年から1993年にも]安全及び原子力情報の最高評議会の会長を務めた。 科学アカデミーのメンバーとして、研究·技術大臣であるユベールCurienが放射線防護基準(over Ac.Sc 1989年11月)電離放射線のリスクと放射線防護基準)を検討するかどうかに相談したのはこのためです。


He also chaired the committee of cancer experts of the European Union from 1986 to 1994.