"生態系問題"は、これで終わり。 次は、"土着植物への脅威"です。 それが最後になりそうです。


10.3 Other invasive animal species

A Cane toad

From the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries, the Spanish introduced pigs, dogs, chickens, the Philippine deer (Cervus mariannus), black francolins, and water buffalo. Water buffalo, known as carabao locally, have cultural significance. Herds of these animals obstruct military base operations and harm native ecosystems. After birth control and adoption efforts were ineffective, the U.S. military began culling the herds in 2002 leading to organized protests from island residents.

19世紀を通じて、スペイン人が、ブタ、イヌ、ニワトリ、フィリピンの鹿(Cervus mariannus)、ムナグロシャコ、及び水牛を持ち込んだ。。地元ではカラバオとして知られている水牛は、文化的な意義を持っています。これらの動物の群れは軍事基地の運用を妨害し、グアム固有の生態系に害を与えます。避妊と普及の努力が効を奏さなかった後、米軍は2002年に群れを淘汰し始め、島の住民からの組織的な抗議へと発展します。

Other introduced species include cane toads imported in 1937, the giant African snail (an agricultural pest introduced during WWII by Japanese occupation troops) and more recently frog species which could threaten crops in addition to providing additional food for the brown tree snake population. Reports of loud chirping frogs native to Puerto Rico and known as coquí, that may have arrived from Hawaii, have led to fears that the noise could threaten Guam's tourism.

Introduced feral pigs and deer, over-hunting, and habitat loss from human development are also major factors in the decline and loss of Guam's native plants and animals.