Three Mile Island Alertはスリーマイル島の原発事故を直後からずっと追跡している民間団体です。

Health Studies


Atomic Radiation is More Harmful to Women

Submitted by webEditor on Thu, 10/27/2011 - 17:26 NewsHealth Studies
NIRS has released a new paper that shows that exposure to radiation causes 50% greater incidence of cancer and 50% greater rate of death from cancer among women, compared to the same radiation dose level to men.

We’ve long known that children are much more susceptible to the effects of radiation than adults; now we know that women are more susceptible than men. Yet the world’s radiation standards are determined using a “reference man” as the guide for assessing radiation risk.

Download the full paper here.


Summary of Findings at Three Mile Island: 1979-2005


Submitted by webEditor on Thu, 10/27/2011 - 16:57 1979

On March 30, 1979, Governor Richard Thornburgh recommended an evacuation for preschool children and pregnant women living within five miles of Three Mile Island (“TMI”). Data collected since the meltdown clearly demonstrate a significant nexus between radiation exposure and adverse health impacts to women and children.

A great deal of radiation was indeed released by the core melt at TMI. The President's Commission estimated about 15 million curies of radiation were released into the atmosphere. A review of dose assessments, conducted by Dr. Jan Beyea, (National Audubon Society; 1984) estimated that from 276 to 63,000 person-rem were delivered to the general population within 50 miles of TMI. David Lochbaum of the Union of Concern Scientists, estimated between 40 million curies and 100 million curies escaped during the Accident.
莫大な量の放射能がTMIの炉心溶融により実際放出された。大統領の委員会は約1400万キュリーの放射能が大気中に放出されたと推定した。Jan Beyea博士(National Audubon Society;1984年)は276~63,000人・レムがTMIの50マイル以内の一般住民に運ばれたと推定した。Union of Concern ScientistsのDavid Lochbaumは、事故中に4000万キュリー~1億キュリーが漏れたと推定した。

•1979-1988: Katagiri Health Surveys begin and involve 250 residents living around Three Mile Island. This field research documented increased cancer incidences and moralities in population pockets exposed by radioactive plumes.

•March, 1982, The American Journal of Public Health reported, “During the first two quarters of 1978, the neonatal mortality rate within a ten- mile radius of Three Mile Island was 8.6 and 7.6 per 1,000 live births,
respectively. During the first quarter of 1979, following the startup of accident prone Unit 2, the rate jumped to 17.2; it increased to 19.3 in the quarter following the accident at TMI and returned to 7.8 and 9.3,

respectively, in the last two quarters of 1979.” (Dr. Gordon MacLeod, Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Health)

•Penn State Professor Winston Richards reported, "Infant mortality for Dauphin County, while average in 1978, becomes significantly above average in 1980.”

•1984: The first Voluntary Community Health Study was undertaken by a group of local residents trained by Marjorie Aamodt. That study found a 600 percent cancer death rate increase for three locations on the west shore of TMI directly in the plumes' pathway. The data were independently verified by experts from the TMI Public Health Fund.
1984年:最初のVoluntary Community Health SturyがMarjorie Aamodtによって訓練された地域住民のグループによって実施された。その研究で、直に放射能の煙の通り道にあるTMIの西岸の三つの場所で癌の死亡率が600%高いことが判明した。

•1985: Jane Lee surveyed 409 families living in a housing development five miles from TMI. Lee documented 23 cancer deaths, 45 cancer incidences, 53 benign tumors, 31 miscarriages, stillbirths and deformities, and 204 cases of respiratory problems.

•By 1985, TMI’s owners and builders had paid more than $14 million for out-of-court settlements of personal injury lawsuits including $12.250 million paid to 280 plaintiffs and Orphans Court Cases.

•August, 1985: Marc Sheaffer, a psychologist at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, released a study linking TMI-related stress with immunity impairments.
1985年8月:ベセスダ(メリーランド州)の心理学者であるMarc SheafferがTMI関係のストレスを免疫機能障害を結びつける研究結果を公表した。

•August, 1987: Prof. James Rooney and Prof. Sandy Prince of Embury of Penn State University-Harrisburg reported that “chronically elevated levels of psychological stress” have existed among Middletown residents since the Accident.
1987年:ペンシルバニア州立大学ハリスバーグのJames Rooney教授とSandy Prince of Embury教授が、"慢性的に高い精神的ストレス"が事故以来ミドルタウン住民の間に見られていると報告した。

•April, 1988: Andrew Baum, professor of medical psychology at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda discussed the results of his research on TMI residents in Psychology Today. “When we compared groups of people living near Three Mile Island with a similar group elsewhere, we found that the Three Mile Island group reported more physical complaints, such as headaches and back pain, as well as more anxiety and depresion. We also uncovered long- term changes in levels of hormones...These hormones affect various bodily functions, including muscle tension, cardiovascular activity, overall metabolic and immune-system function...

1988年4月:ある教授が彼の研究結果を議論した。「スリーマイル島近くに住む人々のグループと他のどこかの同様なグループと比較したら、スリーマイル島のグループがより多くの不安とうつ病ばかりでなく、頭痛と背痛などの肉体愁訴を報告していることがわかった。 我々はまたホルモンのレベルの長期変化を明らかにした... これらのホルモンは、筋張力、心臓脈菅系、全体的代謝、免疫系機能などの様々な身体内部機能に影響する...」

•James Fenwick, a researcher at Millersville University, found statistically significant increases of kidney, renal, pelvis and ovarian cancer in women. (April, 1998)
ミラーズビル大学の研究者であるJames Fenwickが、女性の腎臓、骨盤及び卵巣のガンで、統計的にかなり増加を発見した。(1998年4月)

•June, 1991: Columbia University’s Health Study (Susser-Hatch) published results of their findings in the American Journal of Public Health. The study actually shows a more than doubling of all observed cancers after the accident at TMI-2, including: lymphoma, leukemia, colon and the hormonal category of breast, endometrium, ovary, prostate and testis. For leukemia and lung cancers in the six to 12 km distance, the number observed was almost four times greater. In the 0-six km range, colon cancer was four times greater. The study found “a statistically significant relationship between incidence rates after the accident and residential proximity to the plant.”

•August, 1996: A study by the University of North Carolina-Chapel-Hill, authored by Dr. Steven Wing, reviewed the Susser-Hatch (Columbia University) study released in June 1991. Dr. Wing reported “...there were reports of erythema, hair loss, vomiting, and pet death near TMI at the time of the accident...Accident doses were positively associated with cancer incidence. Associations were largest for leukemia, intermediate for lung cancer, and smallest for all cancers combined...Inhaled radionuclide contamination could differentially impact lung cancers, which show a clear dose-related increase.
1996年8月:スティーブン·ウィング博士によって書かれ、ササー·ハッチ(コロンビア大学)研究で見直されたノースカロライナ州チャペル·ヒル大学研究報告書が1991年6月に刊行された。ウィング博士は「... 事故時にTMIの近くで脱毛、嘔吐、ペットの死の報告があったが、...事故放射線量がプラスに癌の発生率と関係していた。関係は、白血病で最大で、肺がんで中規模で、全てのガンを含めると最小だった....吸入放射性核種の汚染が他と異なる形で肺ガンに影響を与えた可能性があり、肺ガンが明らかな放射能量に関連した増加を示す。

•By 1996, the plant's owners, codefendants and insurers have paid over $80 million in health, economic and evacuation claims, including a $1.1 million settlement for a baby born with Down's Syndrome.

•Thyroid cancer, 1995-2002: Dr. Roger Levin, chief division of otolaryngology/head and neck surgery, PinnacleHealth System in Harrisburg, and clinical associate professor of surgery, Penn State College of Medicine.

Findings: In reviewing state health data, Levin found more thyroid cancer cases than expected in York County for every year except one between 1995 and 2002. One plausible reason could be people were exposed to radiation during the 1979 Three Mile Island accident, he said.

•甲状腺ガン、1995年~2002年:ロジャー・レヴィン博士ハリスバーグのPinnacle Health Systemの耳鼻咽喉科/頭頸部外科の部門長で且つペンシルベニア州立医薬カレッジの臨床手術准教授、。
