


Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica in Hagåtña, faced by a statue of Pope John Paul II.


Roman Catholicism is the main religion in Guam.Traditional Chamorro culture is a combination of indigenous pre-Hispanic customs and Spanish or Mexican traditions. It is manifested in Chamorro language, music, dance, sea navigation, unique cuisine, fishing, games (such as batu, chonka, estuleks, and bayogu), songs and fashion. During Spanish colonial rule (1668–1898) the majority of the population was converted to Roman Catholicism and religious festivities such as Easter and Christmas became widespread. Traditional Chamorro cuisine is largely based on corn, and includes tortillas, tamales, atole and chilaquiles, which are a clear influence from Mexico. The Chamorro language is a Malayo-Polynesian language with much Spanish influence. Many Chamorros also have Spanish surnames because of their conversion to Roman Catholic Christianity and the adoption of names from the Catálogo alfabético de apellidos, a phenomenon common to the Philippines.

ローマカトリック教がグアムの主宗教です。 伝統的なチャモロ文化は、スペイン人征服以前の土着の慣習やスペイン又はメキシコの伝統の組み合わせです。それは、チャモロ語、音楽、ダンス、航海、ユニークな料理、釣り、ゲーム(バツー、chonka、estuleks、およびbayoguなど)、音楽、及びファッションに表れています。スペイン植民地統治(1668年~1898年)の間に、人口の大多数がローマカトリックに改宗され、イースターやクリスマスなどの宗教行事が広まりました。伝統的なチャモロ料理は、主にトウモロコシを使い、トルティーヤ、タマーレ、atoleとchilaquilesを、などがありますが、それらはメキシコからの明らかな影響です。 チャモロ語は、スペインの影響をかなり受けているマレーポリネシア言語です。多くのチャモロ族はまたスペイン語の姓を持っていますが、それは、ローマカトリックキリスト教への改宗とフィリピン人に共通の現象であるCatálogo alfabético de apellidosからの名前の採用によります。

Due to foreign cultural influence from Spain and the United States, important aspects of the early indigenous culture have been lost over the years, though there has been a resurgence in preserving this pre-Hispanic culture in the last few decades. Some scholars have traveled throughout the Pacific Islands conducting research to study what the original Chamorro cultural practices such as dance, language, and canoe building may have been like.


Two aspects of indigenous pre-Hispanic culture that withstood time are chenchule' and inafa'maolek. Chenchule' is the intricate system of reciprocity at the heart of Chamorro society. It is rooted in the core value of inafa'maolek. Historian Lawrence Cunningham in 1992 wrote, "In a Chamorro sense, the land and its produce belong to everyone. Inafa'maolek, or interdependence, is the key, or central value, in Chamorro culture ... Inafa'maolek depends on a spirit of cooperation and sharing. This is the armature, or core, that everything in Chamorro culture revolves around. It is a powerful concern for mutuality rather than individualism and private property rights."

土着のスペイン人による征服以前の土着文化で生き残ったものが2つあります、chenchu​​le'及びinafa'maolekです。 Chenchu​​le'は、チャモロ社会の中心にある相互関係の複雑なシステムです。それはinafa'maolekの中核的価値に根ざしています。 歴史家のローレンスカニンガムは、1992年に、"チャモロの感覚では、土地とその生産物はすべての人に属します。Inafa'maolek、または相互依存、がチャモロ文化では核心、又は中心の価値です...、inafa'maolekは協力と共有の精神に寄ります。これが、チャモロ文化の全てがそのまわりを回る、発電子、もしくは中核です。

Chief Gadao is featured in many legends about Guam before European colonization.The core culture or Pengngan Chamorro is based on complex social protocol centered upon respect: From sniffing over the hands of the elders (called mangnginge in Chamorro), the passing down of legends, chants, and courtship rituals, to a person asking for permission from spiritual ancestors before entering a jungle or ancient battle grounds. Other practices predating Spanish conquest include galaide' canoe-making, making of the belembaotuyan (a string musical instrument made from a gourd), fashioning of åcho' atupat slings and slingstones, tool manufacture, Måtan Guma' burial rituals, and preparation of herbal medicines by Suruhanu.

Gadao酋長はヨーロッパ植民地化以前のグアムの多くの伝説の主人公です。その中心的文化またはPengnganチャモロは、尊敬を中心とする複雑な社会的プロトコル(儀式?)で、年長者の手を嗅ぐ動作(チャモロ語でmangngingeと呼ばれる)、伝説継承、 詠唱、及び求愛の儀式から、人がジャングル又は古代の戦場に行く前にスピリッチャルな先祖から許可を求めることなどがあります。スペイン征服以前の他の慣習では、ガレイドカヌー作り、belembaotuyan(瓢箪から作られた文字列の楽器)、åcho'atupat投石器と投石の造り、工具作り、Måtan Guma'埋葬の儀式、およびSuruhanuによる漢方薬の調合などがあります。

Master craftsmen and women specialize in weavings, including plaited work (niyok- and åkgak-leaf baskets, mats, bags, hats, and food containments), loom-woven material (kalachucha-hibiscus and banana fiber skirts, belts and burial shrouds), and body ornamentation (bead and shell necklaces, bracelets, earrings, belts and combs made from tortoise shells) and Spondylus.

名工と女性が織物を専門と扱いますが、その織物には組縄製品(niyok及びåkgak葉のバスケット、マット、バッグ、帽子、及び食物の入れ物など)、織機織り製品(kalachucha -ハイビスカスとバナナ繊維のスカート、ベルト及び埋葬白布)、装飾品(ビーズとシェルのネックレス、ブレスレット、イヤリング、ベルト、べっ甲櫛、Spondylus(貝の一種の殻)などがあります。

The cosmopolitan nature of modern Guam poses challenges for Chamorros struggling to preserve their culture and identity amidst forces of acculturation. The increasing numbers of Chamorros, especially Chamorro youth, relocating to the U.S. Mainland has further complicated both definition and preservation of Chamorro identity.[citation needed] While only a few masters exist to continue traditional art forms, the resurgence of interest among the Chamorros to preserve the language and culture has resulted in a growing number of young Chamorros who seek to continue the ancient ways of the Chamorro people.
