1月29日:"A Unlikly Critic"の部分を追加

1月31日:"Anormalies around"の部分を追加


Investigation: Revelations about Three Mile Island disaster raise doubts over nuclear plant safety
A special Facing South investigation by Sue Sturgis
Sue Sturgisによる特別Facing South調査

It was April Fool's Day, 1979 -- 30 years ago this week -- when Randall Thompson first set foot inside the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant near Middletown, Pa. Just four days earlier, in the early morning hours of March 28, a relatively minor problem in the plant's Unit 2 reactor sparked a series of mishaps that led to the meltdown of almost half the uranium fuel and uncontrolled releases of radiation into the air and surrounding Susquehanna River.


It was the single worst disaster ever to befall the U.S. nuclear power industry, and Thompson was hired as a health physics technician to go inside the plant and find out how dangerous the situation was. He spent 28 days monitoring radiation releases.


Today, his story about what he witnessed at Three Mile Island is being brought to the public in detail for the first time -- and his version of what happened during that time, supported by a growing body of other scientific evidence, contradicts the official U.S. government story that the Three Mile Island accident posed no threat to the public.

ここに、彼がスリーマイル島で目撃したことについての話を初めて詳細に公けしようとしている - そして、その時起きたことの彼の話は、増えつつあるその他の科学的証拠にも裏づけされているが、スリーマイル島の事故は公衆へ脅威を与えなかったという政府の話と矛盾する。

"What happened at TMI was a whole lot worse than what has been reported," Randall Thompson told Facing South. "Hundreds of times worse."

"TMIで起こったことは報告されているものよりもずっと悪かった"とランドールトンプソンはFacing Southに語った。 "何百倍も悪い。"

Thompson and his wife, Joy, a nuclear health physicist who also worked at TMI in the disaster's aftermath, claim that what they witnessed there was a public health tragedy. The Thompsons also warn that the government's failure to acknowledge the full scope of the disaster is leading officials to underestimate the risks posed by a new generation of nuclear power plants.


While new reactor construction ground to a halt after the 1979 incident, state leaders and energy executives today are pushing for a nuclear energy revival that's centered in the South, where 12 of the 17 facilities seeking new reactors are located.


Fundamental to the industry's case for expansion is the claim that history proves nuclear power is clean and safe -- a claim on which the Thompsons and others, bolstered by startling new evidence, are casting doubt.


An unlikely critic

*以降、スリーマイル島はTMI(Three Mile Island)と略記している場合があります!

Randall Thompson could never be accused of being a knee-jerk anti-nuclear alarmist. A veteran of the U.S. Navy's nuclear submarine program, he is a self-described "nuclear geek" who after finishing military service jumped

at the chance to work for commercial nuclear power companies.


He worked for a time at the Peach Bottom nuclear plant south of Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania's York County, but quit the industry six months before the TMI disaster over concerns that nuclear companies were cutting corners for higher profits, with potentially dangerous results. Instead, he began publishing a skateboarding magazine with his wife Joy.


But the moment the Thompsons heard about the TMI incident, they wanted to get inside the plant and see what was happening first-hand. That didn't prove difficult: Plant operator Metropolitan Edison's in-house health physics staff fled after the incident began, so responsibility for monitoring radioactive emissions went to a private contractor called Rad Services.

しかし、トンプソン夫妻は、TMI事故を聞いた瞬間、原発の中に入って直接何が起こっているか見てみたくなった。それは難しいことではなかった:原発運営企業のメトロポリタンエジソン社の社内保健物理学のスタッフが事故が起きた後に逃げ、それで、放射性排出を監視する仕事がRad Servicesと呼ばれる民間の請負業者に行ったからだった。

The company immediately hired Randall Thompson to serve as the health physics technician in charge of monitoring radioactive emissions, while Joy Thompson got a job monitoring radiation doses to TMI workers.


"I had other health physicists from around the country calling me saying, 'Don't let it melt without me!" Randall Thompson recalls. "It was exciting. Our attitude was, 'Sure I may get some cancer, but I can find out some

cool stuff.'"


What the Thompsons say they found out during their time inside TMI suggests radiation releases from the plant were hundreds if not thousands of times higher than the government and industry have acknowledged -- high enough to cause the acute health effects documented in people living near the plant but that have been dismissed by the industry and the government as impossible given official radiation dose estimates.


The Thompsons tried to draw attention to their findings and provide health information for people living near the plant, but what they say happened next reads like a John Grisham thriller.


They tell of how a stranger approached Randall Thompson in a grocery store parking lot in late April 1979 and warned him his life was at risk, leading the family to flee Pennsylvania. How they ended up in New Mexico working on a book about their experiences with the help of Joy's brother Charles Busey, another nuclear Navy vet and a former worker at the Hatch nuclear power plant in Georgia. How one evening while driving home from the store Busey and Randall Thompson were run off the road, injuring Thompson and killing Busey. How a copy of the book manuscript they were working on was missing from the car's trunk after the accident. These allegations were detailed in several newspaper accounts back in 1981.

彼らは、どのように1979年4月に見知らぬ人が食料品店の駐車場にいたランドールトンプソンに接近し、彼の命が危険にさらされていると警告し、家族にペンシルベニア州から逃げるように誘導したかを語る。どのようにニューメキシコでジョイの兄弟のチャールズ・ビューシイ(原子力の海軍退役者でありジョージアのハッチ原発の元労働者)の助けを借りて彼らの経験について著述するに至ったか。どのようにして、ある晩、その店から来るまで家に帰る途中に、ビューシイとランダルトンプソンが道路からはみ出され、トンプソンに怪我を与え、ビューシイを死亡させたか。 どのようにして彼らが書いていた本の原稿が事故後に車のトランクから無くなっていたか。これらの事実の陳述は1981年の幾つかの新聞記事で詳細に書かれている。

Eventually, after a decade of having their lives ruled by TMI, the Thompsons decided to move on. Randall Thompson went to college to study computer science. Joy Thompson returned to publishing and writing.


Today they live quietly in the mountains of North Carolina where, inspired by time spent seeking refuge with a traveling circus, they have forged a new career for themselves as clowns -- or what they like to call

"professional fools." As Joy Thompson wrote in the fall 2001 issue of Parabola, a journal of myth, the role of the fool is to help people "perceive the foolishness in even ... the most powerful institutions," noting the

medieval court jester's role of telling the King what others dare not.


That conviction has led the Thompsons to tell their story today.


"They haven't told the truth yet about what happened at Three Mile Island," says Randall Thompson. "A lot of people have died because of this accident. A lot."


Anormalies around

That a lot of people died because of what happened at Three Mile Island, as the Thompsons claim, is definitely not part of the official story. In fact, the commercial nuclear power industry and the government insist that despite the meltdown of almost half of the uranium fuel at TMI, there were only minimal releases of radiation to the environment that harmed no one.


For example, the Nuclear Energy Institute, the lobbying group for the U.S. nuclear industry, declares on its website that there have been "no public health or safety consequences from the TMI-2 accident." The government's position is the same, reflected in a fact sheet distributed today by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the federal agency charged with overseeing the U.S. nuclear power industry: TMI, it says, "led to no deaths or injuries to plant workers or members of the nearby community." [The watchdog group Three Mile Island Alert offers their take on the NRC factsheet here.]


Those upbeat claims are based on the findings of the Kemeny Commission, a panel assembled by President Jimmy Carter in April 1979 to investigate the TMI disaster. Using release figures presented by Metropolitan Edison and the NRC, the commission calculated that in the month following the disaster there were releases of up to 13 million curies of so-called "noble gases" -- considered relatively harmless -- but only 13 to 17 curies of iodine-131, a radioactive form of the element that at even moderate exposures causes thyroid cancer. (A curie is a measure of radioactivity, with 1 curie equal to the activity of one gram of radium. For help understanding these and other terms, see the glossary at the end of this piece.)

それらの楽天的な主張はケメニー委員会(TMIの災害を調査するために1979年4月に大統領ジミーカーターによって集められた委員団)の調査結果に基づいている。メトロポリタンエジソンとNRCより提出された放出量を使って、同委員会は、災害からの一ヶ月内で、比較的無害と考えるいわゆる"希ガス"は1300万キュリーまで、一方中程度の被爆でも甲状腺がんを引き起こす放射性形態の要素であるヨウ素131は13~17キュリーだけだと計算した。 (キュリーは放射能の単位で、1キュリーは1グラムのラジウムの活動に等しい。)

But the official story that there were no health impacts from the disaster doesn't jibe with the experiences of people living near TMI. On the contrary, their stories suggest that area residents actually suffered exposure to levels of radiation high enough to cause acute effects -- far more than the industry and the government has acknowledged.

しかし、この災害から健康への影響がないというこの公式見解は、TMIの近くに住む人々の経験と一致していない。 逆に、彼らの話は、地域住民が実際に急性影響を引き起こすのに十分高い放射線レベルを被爆したことを示唆する。

Some of their disturbing experiences were collected in the book Three Mile Island: The People's Testament, which is based on interviews with 250 area residents done between 1979 and 1988 by Katagiri Mitsuru and Aileen M. Smith.

彼らの痛ましい経験のいくつかは"Three Mile Island:The People's Testament"という本に収集されているが、この本は1979年と1988年の間にミツル・カタギリとアイリーンM.スミスが行った250人の地域住民とのインタビューに基づいている。

It includes the story of Jean Trimmer, a farmer who lived in Lisburn, Pa. about 10 miles west of TMI. On the evening of March 30, 1979, Trimmer stepped outside on her front porch to fetch her cat when she was hit with a blast of heat and rain. Soon after, her skin became red and itchy as if badly sunburned, a condition known as erythema. About three weeks later, her hair turned white and began falling out. Not long after, she reported, her left kidney "just dried up and disappeared" -- an occurrence so strange that her case was presented to a symposium of doctors at the nearby Hershey Medical Center. All of those symptoms are consistent with high-dose radiation exposure.


は、あたかもひどく日焼けして紅斑として知られている状態になったかのように、赤くなり、痒くなった。約3週間後、彼女の髪は白くなり抜け始めた。その後まもなく、彼女の報告では、彼女の左の腎臓が”まさしく乾燥し消えた”-- このできごとがあまりに奇妙だったので、彼女の症例は近くのハーシー医療センターの医師のシンポジウムに提示された。 それらの症状のすべては高線量放射線被ばくと一致する。

There was also Bill Peters, an auto-body shop owner and a former justice of the peace who lived just a few miles west of the plant in Etters, Pa. The day after the disaster, he and his son -- who like most area residents were unaware of what was unfolding nearby -- were working in their garage with the doors open when they developed what they first thought was a bad sunburn. They also experienced burning in their throats and tasted what seemed to be metal in the air. That same metallic taste was reported by many local residents and is another symptom of radiation exposure, commonly reported in cancer patients receiving radiation therapy.

また、ペンシルバニア州エターズの西わずか数マイルのところに、自動車修理店オーナーで元治安判事のビルピーターズが住んでいた。災害の翌日、彼と息子は、ほとんどの近隣住民のように近くで起きているに気づかずに -ドアを開けたままガレージで働いていたが、その時に、最初は悪い日焼けと思ったものができた。彼らはまた喉の燃焼を経験し、大気での金属のようなものを味わった。その同じ金属味は多くの地元住民によって報告されたが、それは放射線療法を受けている癌患者で一般的に報告されている放射線被曝のもう一つの症状である。

Peters soon developed diarrhea and nausea, blisters on his lips and inside his nose, and a burning feeling in his chest. Not long after, he had surgery for a damaged heart valve. When his family evacuated the area a few days later, they left their four-year-old German shepherd in their garage with 200 pounds of dog chow, 50 gallons of water and a mattress. When they returned a week later, they found the dog dead on the mattress, his eyes burnt completely white. His food was untouched, and he had vomited water all over the garage. They also found four of their five cats dead -- their eyes also burnt white -- and one alive but blinded. Peters later found scores of wild bird carcasses scattered over their property.

ピーターズはやがて下痢と吐き気をもよおし、唇と鼻の中に水ぶくれができ、そして胸には焼ける感じがした。 まもなくして、彼は損傷心臓弁の手術を受けた。数日後に彼の家族がその地域から避難する時、ガレージに4歳のジャーマンシェパードを200ポンドの犬チャウと50ガロンの水とマットレスと共に置いてきた。一週間後に戻ってくると、その犬はマットレスの上で死んでいて、犬の目は完全に焼けて白くなっていた。 餌は手付かずで、ガレージのそこら中に水を吐いていた。また、五匹のうち4匹の猫が死んでいたが、それらの目も白焼けし、一匹は生きていたが、失明していた。ピーターズは、その後、敷地に野鳥の死骸が幾つもの散らばっているのを発見した。

Similar stories surfaced in The People of Three Mile Island, a book by documentary photographer Robert Del Tredici. He found local farmers whose cattle and goats died, suffered miscarriages and gave birth to deformed young after the incident; whose chickens developed respiratory problems and died; and whose fruit trees abruptly lost all their leaves. Local residents also collected evidence of deformed plants, some of which were examined by James Gunckel, a botanist and radiation expert with Brookhaven National Laboratory and Rutgers University.

類似の話は、ドキュメンタリー写真家であるロバート・デル・トレディチの本、The People of Three Mile Island、に出た。彼は、事故後に牛とヤギが死に、流産をし、異形稚児を出産した地元農民に出会った。彼らの鶏は呼吸器系障害を受けでき、死んだ。 果物の木が突然葉の全てを失った。 地元住民はまた変形植物の証拠を収集したが、そのうちの幾つは、ブルックヘブン国立研究所とラトガーズ大学の植物学者であり放射線専門家であるジェームズ・グンケルによって検査された。

"There were a number of anomalies entirely comparable to those induced by ionizing radiation -- stem fasciations, growth stimulation, induction of extra vegetative buds and stem tumors," he swore in a 1984 affidavit.

"電離放射線によって誘導されるものと完全に匹敵する多くの異常、 幹fasciations、成長の刺激、余分な栄養芽の誘発、及び茎の腫瘍の誘発、あった"と、彼は1984年宣誓供述書で断言した。

Scientists say these kinds of anomalies simply aren't explained by official radiation release estimates.


