Scientists find 208 new species


12 December 2011

Two hundred and eight new species of animals and plants were identified in the Greater Mekong in Southeast Asia last year. The new species are highlighted in a report from WWF, which is warning that the area is under threat from rapid development.

昨年、208の動植物の新種が東南アジアのグレイターメコンで発見された。 それら新種はWWFからの報告に特集されているが、WWFはその地域が急速な開発に脅かされていると警告している。


carnivorous plants 肉食植物
plants that feed on insects

lizard トカゲ類
a small reptile (爬虫類)with a long body, long tail and four legs

the wildlife pantheon 野生生物の殿堂
a selection of species considered more famous or important

aversion 嫌悪
strong dislike of

a treasure trove of biodiversity 生物多様性の宝の山?
a place where there are many fantastic animals and plants which haven't been seen by scientists before

pressure is mounting
gradually increasing the exploitation of something

supplies of raw materials

natural habitats
areas that offer the right conditions for a species to develop

the preservation of species

keeping something going without outside help