
15 September 2011
Giraffe on the High Seas

Report and vocabulary


Travelling long distances can be a pain in the neck...


But Jelani the giraffe didn't seem to mind as he took to the seas inside a custom-made, 4.2 metre-high

shipping crate.


It took five days to transport him from Auckland Zoo in New Zealand to Melbourne, Australia.

After a few days in quarantine, Jelani will take part in a breeding programme.

ジェラニをニュージーランドのオークランド動物園からオーストラリアのメルボルンまで輸送するのに5日かかった。 2、3日の隔離の後、ジェラニは繁殖計画に参加する予定だ。

a pain in the neck:idiom meaning 'very annoying' (イディオム)不快に[いらいら, うんざり]させる人[こと].

took to the seas:started travelling across the ocean

custom-made:designed according to special needs

shipping crate:large box designed especially for delivering items

in quarantine:isolation period for an animal which might be carrying a disease


high seas (複数形 only; not used in 単数形 form)

(nautical) Parts of the ocean surface that are far from shore.
(specifically) International waters; parts of the ocean that are not considered to belong to any specific country.