今回のキイワードは、私にとっては、"budget"と"ring fence”。

"budget"というのは、ずっと「予算」と置き換えてきたが、今回は「収支」と置き換えるとわかりやすい気がする。語源を見たら、「ポーチ」、「バッグ」、「財布」に当たる古い言葉が出てきた。"ring fence"というのは英国特有の話なので、リング・フェンスとしか言いようがない。その言葉についての日本語での説明が幸いにも、Weblioにあった(脚注)。

UK Banks face major changes

12 September 2011

A commission appointed by the British government has recommended major reforms of the country's banks.



radical reform of:important change in the regulations designed to improve

the Treasury:the British government department responsible for the economy and finance


investment banking:the business of banks which try to sell and buy shares and other companies

retail banking:The business of banks which deal with customers and their savings and loans

ring fence:protected area where budgets are secured

firewall:in this example, another word for protected area where budgets are secured

boards:groups of people who control a company

capital:money and possessions ready to be spent of invested

structural changes:changes to the way things are organised and arranged

読み方: りんぐ ふぇんす
【英】: ring fence

1975 年の英国石油税法(Oil Taxation Act 1975)によって導入された概念で、、、