Coral may help sunburn prevention


2 September 2011

Researchers in Britain say they have found evidence that chemicals present in underwater coral could help protect humans against sunburn. They hope to be able to make a sunscreen pill.

英国の研究者達が水中のサンゴに含まれる化学物質が人間の日焼け防止を助けられるとの証拠を発見していると語る。 彼らは日焼け止め錠剤が出来ると期待している。


thrives in: grows well in 〈人・動植物が〉丈夫に育つ,成長する; 生い茂る,生長する

absorb: take in

vulnerable to: in an area that can be reached by 〔…に対して〕すきだらけで,弱くて 〔to〕 vulnerable 語源:ラテン語 vulnerābilis (“injurious, wounding”)

ultraviolet rays: a type of light radiation from the sun that can cause cell damage

feeding off: eating

to withstand: to resist the possible damage from

protective amino acids: substances in the body that make protein and in this case are important in preventing damage cause by the sun's rays

pass up the food chain:: transfer from small organisms to bigger ones when they are eaten

to work out: to find out

tablet: pill

