Aung San Suu Kyi meets new government .

25 July 2011

The Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has met a minister from the six-month-old government for the first time.

The timing of the talks is perhaps more important than the content.




cautioned against:warned that it would be bad to do something

agenda:list of things to be discussed at a meeting

shrouded in secrecy:with very little information about it made public <訳例>神秘に覆われている=>shroud覆い隠す(古期英語:衣服から)

reprimand:official statement of disapproval of someone's actions 詰責, 懲戒, 叱責, 厳重注意, 訓告, 問責, 懲罰, 叱咤, 譴責, 難詰、、さてこの場合は?
a force to be reckoned with:someone who has respect, power and authority and who should be taken seriously

has raised hopes:has made people think that something positive is possible

the door to negotiation:the opportunity for meaningful discussions

concrete and measurable steps:actions which are clear to see that make real changes


carefully choreographed piece of window dressing:an opportunity for propaganda which has been arranged so that on the surface it looks like progress is being made but in reality nothing is changing



Aung San Suu Kyi:Wiki 英語  日本語