
Royals return



11 July 2011

Britain's newest royal couple have returned from their first post-wedding official tour.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's visit to North America ended with a series of events in California.

ブリテン(英国)の王室カップルが結婚式後最初の公式ツアーから戻ってきた。 ケンブリッジの公爵と公爵夫人による北米訪問はカリフォルニアでの一連のイベントで終わった。


gritty:unpleasant but real situations (爺)grit:(機械などに入って害になる)小さな砂

glitzy:glamorous 《俗語》 きらびやかな,けばけばしい,きら星の(爺):語源 from German glitzern (“glint”).

a BAFTA reception:an event organised and hosted by the British Academy of Film and Television

an arts project:a scheme which encourages young people to escape poverty through art

a jobs fair:an event where companies and potential employees get together to find out about each other

seeking work:looking for a job

a keen interest in veterans' affairs:a strong and personal interest in the situation of people who used to be in the military

of their own free will:through their own choice

to put their life on the line:to put themselves in physical danger and at risk of death

a significant milestone:an important and notable event in the development of something