
Machu Picchu marks 100 years of ‘discovery’


08 July 2011

This week it will be 100 years since an American historian announced the discovery of Machu Picchu, the famous Incan city in Peru. Andean dances, concerts, mystic rituals and academic conferences are planned for the celebration.




an archaeological site:a place that is important or significant because it can teach us about people and cultures of the past 考古学的に重要な場所

national identity:nationality, pride in your country

shrouded in mystery:mostly unknown (爺)shroudは、古期英語「衣服」の意。寝袋のシュラフと同じ語源か??

a refuge:a place of safety

a religious sanctuary:an area of worship of a god or goddess

citadel:fortress 城砦 (爺)語源はと、From French citadelle, from Italian cittadella, diminutive of città (“city”), from Latin cīvitās

artefacts:historical man-made items (爺)artefact=?=>artifact 人口遺物、文化遺物

to reclaim:to take back


mystic ritual:神秘的な儀式

Machu Picchu:Wiki 日本語  英語