
Thatcher handbag sold for US$ 40,000


01 July 2011

A handbag belonging to the former British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, was sold for US$ 40,000 at a charity auction in London. The leather bag was on her arm during Cold War-era negotiations with the former US president, Ronald Reagan.

前英国首相、マーガレット・サッチャーの持ち物だったハンドブックがロンドンのチャリティオークションで4万ドルで売られた。 その皮製ハンドバックは、前米国大統領、ロナルド・レーガンとの冷戦交渉の間彼女の腕にあったものだ。


have styled herself as:have presented herself as

Iron Lady:strong willed woman 鉄の女(wiki )

iconic trademark:an object that is famously connected with a particular person

‘handbagging’:telling off, punishing (handbag)容赦なく扱う... 主に英国

abrasive style:manner that can cause discomfort to others

dismissing:not listening to (爺)日本の辞書には、こういう意味はないけれど

incurred her displeasure:made her angry or upset

state papers:official documents

to fetch up to:to reach up to

grand:(slang) one thousand dollars or pounds (爺)スラングか、、