

Rio favelas crime clampdown


20 June 2011

Brazilian security forces occupied one of the biggest slums in Rio on Sunday. The operation was part of a major clampdown on organised crime ahead of the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics.

ブラジルの治安部隊が日曜日にリオの最大のスラムの一つを占拠した。 この作戦は2014年ワールドカップと2016年オリンピックに向けての組織犯罪の主要な取締りの一部だった。


slum:an area of a city that is very poor and where the houses are in a bad condition スラム

clampdown:a sudden action taken in order to stop an illegal activity 取り締まり

organised crime:crime committed by professional criminals working in large groups 組織犯罪

pacified:brought peace to an area where there had been crime or fighting (pacify)平和を取り戻す

a strategy:a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose 戦略

confronted:dealt with a problem or difficult situation

to win the trust of:to get the respect of

reclaimed:taken back under control of the original owners (reclaim) 取り戻す

thrive:to become and continue to be successful 栄える


ブラジルのスラムであるファヴェーラについては、ここWIKI(英語・日本語)で詳述していました。 いたちごっこになっています。