Monday, 13 June 2011

Libyan rebels get weapons through Tunisia



The BBC has learnt that Libyan rebels are smuggling weapons through Tunisia to fight Colonel Gaddafi's forces in Western Libya. Rebel commanders say they have a process to collect the weapons from their fighters if they win.

リビアの叛徒が西部リビアのカダフィ大佐の戦力と闘う為にチュニジアを通して武器を密かに持ち込んでいることを、BBCは知った。 叛徒の指揮官達はもし彼らが勝てば戦闘員らから武器を回収するプロセスを持っていると語る。



: communities of a particular nationality who no longer live in their home country ディアスポラ(四散した民族)

small arms: weapons that soldiers can carry

on condition of anonymity: with an agreement that their name and identity will be kept secret

consignments: quantities of goods which are sent from one place to another

gained ground: had some success

clashes: battles

prolonging the war: making the conflict last longer

fledgling: new and inexperienced

overt support: help and assistance which is not secret or hidden

spills over: misses its target and lands in other nearby areas



grenade laucher:手榴弾を投げる人、、、違うなー、手榴弾発射機みたいな奴でしょ。
commander: 司令官じゃなく、指揮官でしょうな。