

Gove sets schools tougher targets for GCSE exams
Exclusive: Education secretary wants UK's worst-performing schools to meet current average by 2015
・Francis Maude criticises teachers' vote to strike
・Richard Seymour: Tories can't ignore these unions
・Gove's trouble on new front after academy struggle

Osborne backs retail bank ringfence
Chancellor to argue that invisible walls between investment and high street arms would protect economy
・Households stretched to breaking point, says TUC
・Hot weather 'boosted consumer confidence' in May

UK admits bombs won't win in Libya
Hopes being pinned on defections by aides or Libyan leader agreeing to flee country
・Gaddafi support in Tripoli ebbs away
・Libya rebels advance into Nato bombing path
・Nick Hopkins: Spare a thought for the admiral
・Libya allocated 2012 Olympics tickets

Arab League censures Syria violence
Comments 'unbalanced and politically motivated', says Syrian representative, as army's onslaught continues
・Chris Doyle: Why Syrians do not trust the west
・Bahrain to sue Independent newspaper

Call for Sri Lanka war crimes probe
UK minister 'shocked by horrific scenes' in Channel 4 film of apparent summary execution of prisoners
・Callum Macrae: My film lifts the lid on horrors
・Editorial: Evidence that won't be buried

PM: NHS rethink 'sign of strength'
David Cameron has attempted to make virtue of policy U-turns and revised timetable for change
・Reshaped plans win over Tory and Lib Dem MPs
・Expert verdicts on the NHS bill shakeup
・Nicholas Watt: Osborne pulls NHS strings
・Denis Campbell: NHS will haunt this coalition

Pakistan arrests CIA informants
Last updated five minutes ago
Detention of five informants involved in leadup to Bin Laden killing seen as sign of fresh Pakistan-US discord

Greece hit by anti-austerity strike
Unions bring public services to a standstill as Socialist government prepares further cost-cutting measures

Calderón vilified over tycoon's release
Activists attack Mexican government after judge freed former mayor of Tijuana at whose home 88 guns were reportedly found

Florida youth 'confessed to murders'
Teenager accused of killing two British holidaymakers confessed to fellow inmate, according to documents

Hefner announces jilting on Twitter
Playboy founder uses social media site to tell the world his wedding with Crystal Harris is off