
9:00 日本時間
ジョー爺 世界ほっつき歩き!

SlutWalking:Word on the streets



Syria vows to retaliate after attack on security forces

Regime to intensify crackdown after claiming that dozens were killed in Jisr al-Shughour
・Middle East unrest - latest updates


MPs issue student quota warning

Committee says rush among universities to raise fees to £9,000 could create spending black hole


Libyan rebels in Nato catch-22

Fighters near Misrata lose gains against Gaddafi's forces as Nato orders them to retreat before air strikes
・Bahrain medics on trial for treating protesters
・Gaddafi regime lies about 'bomb victim'
・UN admits failure in Sudan clashes


Weiner admits sending lewd photos

Congressman says sorry for sending pictures to woman via Twitter but insists he did not break any law and won't resign
・Santorum enters Republican race


Doctors asked to spot terrorists

Redrawn counter-terrorism plan will call on doctors' help, but BMA fears threat to patient confidentiality

E coli: bean sprouts may not be cause

Organic farm in Germany tests negative so far for bacterium, throwing source of contamination into doubt again
・Farmers want payout for Spanish cucumber effect
・Maryn McKenna: Blame misuse of antibiotics
・Bean sprouts are 'like raw oysters'
・Video: Outbreak tests Germany-Spain relations

Strauss-Kahn pleads not guilty

Former head of IMF will face trial for attempted rape and remains under house arrest in New York

IMF backs Osborne's cuts plan

IMFがオズボーンの削減計画を後押し  読者のコメント数、すごい!
Fund supports chancellor's austerity measures, but also proposes tax cuts for low earners
・Jonathan Portes: IMF slowly wakes up to reality
・Nicholas Watt: Osborne's plan for mini 'Plan B'

Yemen president has 'major' injuries

Severe burns and shrapnel wounds reduce likelihood of Saleh returning to Yemen from Saudi Arabia

Grayling university 'copies syllabus'

Grayling大学が' 講義要領をコピーする’
New College of the Humanities, whose students will pay £18,000 a year, offers courses available at University of London at half the price
・Terry Eagleton: Grayling's private university is odious
・Doubts over financial model of Grayling university

Humala's Peru win unnerves markets

Lima stock exchange plunges 12% after leftwinger edges race against daughter of jailed former president
・Video: Leftwinger Humala claims victory in Peru

Vaccine prices cut but funds fall short

Several large drug firms have announced big cuts to the amounts they charge in the developing world
・Q&A: Big pharma and the vaccine funding shortfall

Network Rail hit by copper thefts

Theft from railway lines is so rife the company has had to take on new staff, and pay compensation for delays
・Mending the damage in Copper Theft Central

Iran quashes 'porn' case execution

Saeed Malekpour reprieve 'a sigh of relief' for wife who fought to prove he did not know adult site used his photo software



On guardian.co.uk today

Venice Biennale's balance of power
Has the Biennale finally got political? Adrian Searle delivers his verdict on this year's festival
・More Art and design

The Gardener by David Mitchell
Audio slideshow: Hear the short story written to repay design duo Kai & Sunny, who created covers for Cloud Atlas and Number 9 Dream
・More Books

BBFC refuses Human Centipede II
Censors deny 18 certificatae to horror film sequel, claiming it 'poses a real risk to cinemagoers'
・More Film

Portrait of the artist: Ravi Shankar
'I saw some music videos by Lady Gaga recently. I admire her theatricality – she is a very intelligent performer'
・1 comment
・More Culture

The must-have not just for Muslims
The ResportOn, a tight-fitting hoodie covering the hair, is the new sports hijab – but it's attracting orders from non-Muslim women and men
・More Life and style

Judges warn of legal aid cuts 'chaos'
Litigants, some with mental health problems, will be forced to represent themselves
・'Legal aid helped me meet my son'
・More Law

New children's laureate: to do list
Michelle Pauli: The latest children's laureate takes over from Anthony Browne tomorrow and we want you to give them a 'To Do list'
・More Children's books

The SlutWalk movement has divided feminists.

Should women try to reclaim the word? And is undressing the best way to protest against rape?

Tanya Gold joined the first UK marchers in Newcastle and heard their shocking stories