


16 May 2011
Argentina builds a tower of books.  <--クリックして3回は本文をヒアリング、ぜひ!



A new monument celebrating books has been launched in Buenos Aires. The Tower of Babel was created by artist Marta Minujin, who is well-known for creating works made from plastic. The tower includes books in more than 50 languages. 本を祝う新しいモニュメントがブエノスアイレスにお目見えしている。 そのバベルの塔はプラスチックを使った作品を創ったことで良く知られる芸術家Marta Minujinによって創られた。 そのタワーは50以上の言語で書かれた本を含む。


line: are displayed in rows across 列になって展示されている

has designated: has described or named

book tower: here, tall structure which is partly built from books

embassies: buildings where groups of people who represent their countries and governments in foreign countries work (an ambassador is the head of an embassy) 大使館

dismantled: taken apart

a multi-lingual library: collection of books, printed in various different languages

recording: taking note of (information)

boasts: contains or possesses この単語、英国独特?

works: here, published books

over coffee: while drinking coffee コーヒーを飲みながら(本を読む) overはこのように使えるのか、、