ジョー爺 世界ほっつき歩き!

10 May 2011 Last updated at 03:04 GMT

UN concern over Syria crackdown


The UN says a humanitarian mission has not been allowed access to the city of Deraa, which is cut off by a government crackdown on dissent.  人権保護使節団が政府の反抗運動弾圧で分断されているDeraa市へのアクセスを許されていないと語る

cut off:分断する、dissent:反抗する行為(the act of protesting)

Ruling family dynamics

Protest leaders

Why Syria matters

Mid-East unrest: Special report

Libya rebels 'push back troops'

Rebels in the besieged Libyan city of Misrata say they have pushed pro-Gaddafi troops back from its outskirts towards the capital, Tripoli. 包囲されたリビアのMisrata市の反乱者が親カダフィ部隊をその郊外から首都トリポリへ押し返したと、語る。

Face transplant man 'can smell'


The recipient of America's first full face transplant says his newly regained sense of smell is among the top benefits of the surgery.  アメリカの最初の全顔移植の患者が、最近取り戻した嗅覚は手術の最高の成果の一つだと、語る。

recipient:被移植者、受容者、newly:最近、近頃(??) *新しくではおかしいので

Pakistan starts Bin Laden inquiry パキスタンがビンラディン尋問を始める

Afghan forces 'not ready' warning アフガン軍”準備ができていない”警告 (注:記事下記)

Cuba studies tourism travel plan キューバが旅行会社の旅行プランを学ぶ

Japan nuclear plant firm seeks help 日本の原発企業が助けを求める

Boehner demands cuts in US debt Boehnerが米国債務超過の削減を要求

US calls on China to spend more 米国が中国のもっと金を使うよう要求

Memphis flood forces evacuations  メンフィスの洪水が避難を強いる

Boehner:The top US Republican in Congres



Afghan forces not ready for security role, Oxfam warns
Afghan forces are not ready to take over responsibility for security from Nato, a leading British charity says. 
Oxfam warned that more training is needed and human rights violations by Afghan forces could increase as they take on the frontline role.
