

18 April 2011 Last updated at 07:49 GMT

Japanese unhappy with government crisis response - poll

政府の危機対応に不満 - 世論調査

poll:世論調査(opinion poll)

The BBC's Roland Buerk says that people are pleased that they have been given some idea of how long the crisis could last

A majority of people in Japan disapprove of the government's handling of the nuclear crisis at the crippled Fukushima plant, opinion polls suggest.

The plant's operator Tepco has said it expects to bring the crisis under control by the end of the year.

But the polls, published in three national newspapers, suggest that Japanese people are losing patience.

Two-thirds of those surveyed backed increased taxes to pay for rebuilding after last month's quake and tsunami.

Japan's recovery bill has been estimated at $300bn (£184bn) - the most expensive natural disaster in history. But the government has said that figure might be an underestimate.

The latest police figures put the death toll from the 11 March disaster at 13,843, while more than 14,000 people remain unaccounted for.

Half of those killed were elderly; 95% of the dead in Miyagi prefecture, one of the worst-hit areas, drowned, according to new police statistics.

Japanese buildings are highly engineered and most withstood the record earthquake - the tsunami it triggered was the bigger killer, says the BBC's Roland Buerk in Tokyo.

'Unforeseen setbacks'


Engineers are still struggling to bring the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant under control after vital cooling systems were knocked out by the tsunami.

Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) said on Sunday that it hoped to reduce radiation leaks in three months and to cool the reactors within nine months.

Top government spokesman Yukio Edano acknowledged that Tepco's plans were feasible, but warned there could be unforeseen setbacks.

"I believe that this is definitely a workable solution. However, there are frequent aftershocks as we speak, and unfortunately, there have been cases where the situation deteriorated from lack of measures."


More than two-thirds of people in Japan believe the government's response to the nuclear crisis was not acceptable, opinion polls suggest.

The telephone polls were conducted over the weekend by the Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun and the Nikkei business daily.

Nearly 70% of the 1,603 respondents in the Nikkei survey said Prime Minister Naoto Kan should be replaced.

The issue for people in Japan is a shortage of information, our correspondent says. The question of what happens to the tens of thousands of families who have had to evacuate the area around the plant remains unanswered.

The government said on Monday that some of them may be able to return home in the future but asked by reporters whether all will be able to return, officials said the government had a "neutral position".

Opposition leaders have been urging the prime minister to resign.

Mr Kan again faced criticism in parliament on Monday - with one opposition lawmaker suggesting he had been ill-prepared from the outset.

ill-prepared from the outset:初めから準備不足だった(お粗末だった)


Mr Kan remained defiant, saying: "Japan has never before faced a crisis like this... We are doing our utmost."

defiant:反抗[挑戦]的な,けんか腰の; 傲慢(ごうまん)な


do [try] one's utmost: 最大の努力をする, 全力を尽くす

Elevated levels of radiation were measured inside the buildings housing reactors No 1 and 3 on Monday, by remote-controlled robots.

They found a harsh environment but not one that would be impossible for human beings to work.

Emergency workers have been unable to enter any reactor building since the disaster.