




天と地〈ベトナム篇 上・下〉 (角川文庫) [文庫]
(著), Le Ly Hayslip (原著), 渡辺 昭子 (翻訳)
アマゾン  上巻:中古品38点¥ 1より コレクター商品2点¥ 245より



When Heaven and Earth Changed Places: Tie-In Edition [Paperback]
Le Ly Hayslip (Author)
アマゾン  31 new from $8.73 181 used from $0.57

Customer Reviews:56 Reviews
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5.0 out of 5 stars Necessary empathy, September 17, 2003

By Susan O'Neill (Andover, MA USA)
This review is from: When Heaven and Earth Changed Places: Tie-In Edition (Paperback)

When Heaven and Earth Changed Places is an extremely important book, particularly for those of us who have grown up and spent our lives in the USA, because it gives us something vital that we lack--the experience of living in a country where war is waged. Our world grows smaller every day, and whatever our government does elsewhere ultimately comes home to roost. This is in part because refugees like Ms. Hayslip, who wash up on our shores, become part of the fabric of our country; both the damage they suffer and the truimph they attain become part of the collective "ours." We can no longer afford to operate without empathy; those we kill are our neighbors, or at the very least, our neighbors' cousins. And so, this book is both important and timely.
この本は、私たちの中でも米国で育ち生活してきた人々にとって特に、極めて重要な本です。それは、私たちに欠ける何か極めて重要なもの(戦争が起きた国での生活経験)を与えてくれるからです。 私たちの世界は毎日より小さくなっていて、私たちの政府がどこかで起こすことは何でも究極的に"come home to roost"だからです。 これは、一つには私たちの海岸に打ち寄せる彼女のような難民が私たちの国の構造の一部となるからです。 彼らが受けるダメージと彼らが得る勝利の双方が集団的な”私たち”の一部のなるのです。 私たちはもはや共感せずに、、、、

come home to roost: 次のブログで調査

wash up on a shore: 海岸で皿洗いではないでしょう

fabric: 布地ではないでしょう

collective: 集合的な、集団的な、共同の

empathy: 共感、感情移入

operate: この場合は??

'When Heaven and Earth Changed Places' is the autobiography of a woman who survives by wits, guts and sheer endurance the horrors of war and occupation--and, later, the horrors of emmigration to a bizarre new world and marriage to a different kind of war victim. It provides a rare and articulate window into the mind and heart of someone who was made to play, by circumstance, both ally and enemy. It should be mandatory reading for anyone trying to understand the Viet Nam war (or, as the Vietnamese more correctly call it, the American War), but it's far from some dry and bitter medicine that must be consumed with a pinch of the nostrils. It's an exciting story, extremely readable--a tale that is frightening, harrowing and, ultimately, heartening. The movie was decent, but the book is much better.


映画の「天と地」:Wiki(日本語) Wiki(英語) When Heaven and Earth Changed Places
