


で、私がこの本を読まなかった理由がここにあるのではないかと、始めて思った。 後で翻訳してみようと思う。








W・チャン・キム+レネ・モボルニュ著 有賀裕子(訳)

W.Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne

How to Creat Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant

Harvard Business School Press




WIKI(日)  ごく簡単な紹介

WIKI(英)  詳細な紹介(含批判) 


'Blue Ocean Strategy' Business Management Book Synopsis  Youtube

アマゾン:中古品58点¥ 780より コレクター商品4点¥ 1,280より


Criticisms 批判 (途中まで拙訳)

While Kim and Mauborgne propose approaches to finding uncontested market space, at the present there are few if any success stories of companies that applied their theories. This hole in their data persists despite the publication of Value Innovation concepts since 1997. A critical question is whether this book and its related ideas are descriptive rather than prescriptive.[8] The authors present many examples of successful innovations, and then explain from their Blue Ocean perspective - essentially interpreting success through their lenses.[9]
W・キムとモボルニュは競争のない市場空間を見つけるアプローチを提案しているが、彼らの理論を応用した企業の成功物語はあるにしてもほとんどわずかである。 1997年以来の価値革新概念の出版にもかかわらず、彼らのデータにはこの欠陥があり続けている。 決定的な疑問は、この本とその関連のアイデアが物の見方というより叙述的であるかどうかだ。 著者は成功した革新の多くの事例を提供して彼らのブルーオーシャンの見方から説明するー 基本的に、彼らのレンズを徹して成功を解釈する。

The research process followed by the authors has been criticized[by whom?] on several grounds. Criticisms include claims that no control group was used, that there is no way to know how many companies using a Blue Ocean Strategy failed and the theory is thus unfalsifiable, that a deductive process was not followed, and that the examples in the book were selected to "tell a winning story."[citation needed]

Brand and  are taken for granted and do not represent a key for success. Kim and Maubourgne take the marketing of a value innovation as a given, assuming the marketing success will come as a matter of course.[8]


It is argued[by whom?] that rather than a theory, Blue Ocean Strategy is an extremely successful attempt to brand a set of already existing concepts and frameworks with a highly "sticky" idea. The blue ocean/red ocean analogy is a powerful and memorable metaphor, which is responsible for its popularity. This metaphor can be powerful enough to stimulate people to action. However, the concepts behind the Blue Ocean Strategy (such as the competing factors, the consumer cycle, non-customers, etc.) are not new. Many of these tools are also used by Six Sigma practitioners and proposed by other management theorists.