Hirosaki Dioのブログ

Hirosaki Dioのブログ



Hi, this is Hiro. I'm a non-Japanese speaker so I'll be making this blog in English.


Life has been going well apart from this year is my worst year since 2018 and I'm sick. But still, lots of my dreams came true, and sometimes I forgot to be grateful for them. I don't know who will be reading this, I've never used my Ameba blog, but if I have to guess the first people who are going to read this are my old friends in Ameba Pigg.


Ah, yes. Ameba Pigg is long closed down. I've missed it so much. Made lots of memories and friends there, even special ones. Some stay, some go. I'd say, Ameba Pigg is one big part of my life. Started from Pico World and now here. I wish they'd rewrite Ameba Pigg somehow, someway. I know of the mobile app, Pigg Party, but I haven't tried it. I might be going to since right now I'm on a holiday.


If anyone of my friends came to see this and wondered about how to get contacted with me, here's a couple of social media of mine available:

- Instagram: @hilo_milo16

- Discord: Hilo Milo#1661


I'll be hoping you guys text me there :)

Well, I guess that's that then. There isn't much anymore. To anyone who is reading, have a nice one ハート