でいお 夢中生活 -27ページ目
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EASTER ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

I'm so fuckin' depressed 'cuz it's ester time...
I hate it...
everybody is so happy
but not me,
I have to stay at home,
can't do a thing...
Just feeling a bit lonely...
It's just always the same I have to learn,
jeah~ EXAMS...
thats so terrible... I HATE IT! ( ・(ェ)・)

lets have fun together ♥

Well this is my first Blogentry here on Ameba, and I really like that page! v(^-^)v
So... don't know what to write just so much... I LOVE U GUYS!
Today was a great day and I'm now a bit tired. (@ ̄ρ ̄@)zzzz
But I hope to hear from U!

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