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Style Update February Kaizo

Not much style since im so pregnant lol!
But i try!

Style Update February MICHI

Hey its me again~ LAME i know..... Since im sick right know i have time to post!!!
Any way most of you know that we had a gal meet last week and also Tokyo night.
Here is some picture.....I don't feel like posting all of them so just go my my facebook
to see the rest of them. n_n

Style Update February Bambi





i wanna be hot like this girl

Style Update February Tricia

Date with my boyfriend!

Before going to meet with Michi and Val for the Kira Kira party.

I don't have any full body photos of my outfit, but Michi posted one of us on her style update. This is the closest I could get.

Going to meet up with an old friend..

Closer look at my make-up!


BORING...But my turn nonetheless. New hair colour!--; lightened/evened it out ♥
wanted to try something different so jumped on the bow bandwagon & threw a giant one on my head XD
& these are obviously my favourite new boots XD

Sorry I know its weak but I wanted to get january in despite moving/packing
will make up for it with a much much better post extra soon T__T need to update to sunny clothes.
& better-than-phone-quality photos >o>
time to finish unpacking from the move ♥ ...STILL >o>

Style Update January Lisha

Style Update January Mina

i finally got my new lenses ♥

*Barbie king size aqua

*Barbie King size Grey

And ive recently bought a ton of lashes, 10 for 6 bucks? best deal ever! thank you ebay hehe.

Style Update January LA

Okayy my turn!
Ive been piling up all these pics unfortunately MY computer doesnt stay on no longer than 30 mins
& my mom always takes her laptop with her so i have usually 1 day to make all my long posts!

new shoes i bought all for under $30!!!

all my heels <3

all my boots

&& all my sandals lol!

a new mirror i bought for $7

my fav style of eye make

the bottom of my hair is synthetic
it was originally curly but it wus ugly
so i straightened it and then curled it myself
there is a secret to curling synthetic hair
that you have to hold the curl before you let it go
which i just learned like a week ago >.<

light grey cir lens

chicken fajita casserole i made ((LOVE RACHEL RAY!))

my outfit at dinner with KAIZO!