


Abundant capital Yangshou Bin: How do all the chips to become a pig on the air杨守彬 say, how do all the chips in the field of entrepreneurship which can be divided into two types of Nike Heels Boots things to see:? One is to raise the public platform, such as review time, chasing Monternet, to raise world public, the public network, and so do all the chips raised platform; There is also a project to do all the chips, a company doing all the chips to get a product, do take a project to raise the public, or a company to come up with products that do all the chips. In Yangshou Bin view, all the congregation raised platform can raise all the items, but the future will be to severe vertical integration. For example, the division began to take the time to raise the public road Flex intelligent devices, chasing away all the chips in the direction of Monternet cultural and creative design class. The project is to raise the public is very broad, not specific to which product or which service. 'We did the restaurant more successful (all chips case) called clouds away, the congregation took some doing to raise equity. This restaurant is for the public to raise equity increase, but also to ensure absolute control and make this direct chain AG absolute master on equity in the Company ownership structure go financing model, financial angel, VC financing money. In addition, each sub-chain Direct do all the chips smaller, so you become your users Shareholders, to spend his own, while he took a friend to the consumer, in fact, is Nike Hyperdunk the completion of an accumulation of customer resources 'In addition, after years of entrepreneurial Yangshou Bin summed up the three elements of entrepreneurship:.' gene ',' find the air 'and' adhere to. ' Yangshou Bin is still doing a very interesting thing, it is to raise the public mode to do a 300 chiefs and corporate investors, three thousand entrepreneurs involved in the horse sports. Dark Horse Nike Pepper Shoes Games are divided into eight groups, Yangshou Bin Wang Xiaochuan in TMT regiment. As of the time he took the floor, all to raise cash to reach 500,000, in addition to sponsoring about 500,000, far ahead of the other groups. Huge capital is RMB fund TMT ring a main cast early start of the project, there are the four founding partners. In addition Yangshou Bin, as well as a former grand CEO Tan Zhao. The following are Yangshou Bin speech: I recently tired, largely because of the public to raise this matter with the relevant, recently participated in a lot of things all the chips, launched a public discussion group to raise the most tired is a dark horse games. In all the chips, crowdsourcing, people enjoy the idea of ​​using the Internet to do a dark horse athlete thinking, I unfortunately delegation TMT Wang Xiaochuan, give you about rich capital. Huge capital is RMB funds is small, the main cast early start of the project, we have four founding partner, I'm a, I used is a continuous entrepreneur, there are of course more successful failure, my other three partner, a former grand CEO Tan Zhao. We feel particularly good project if you can contact us at the scene, the characteristics of which we have three partners in the past are entrepreneurs, have to make the company successful experience, there are two listed companies did experience a greater understanding of the entrepreneur . Dark Horse Games tired, not tired accomplished, this thing doing great also very tired. Dark horse games, a total of eight groups, Hua Xia a group, YaoJinBo group, I was in Ms. Yu group, with all the chips in the pattern, do a 300 chiefs and corporate investors, three thousand entrepreneurs run games, accidentally accumulated over the years the popularity and recognition, let us be continuous in front. Because eight regiments to the game, the first time we were the first to reach 500 entrepreneurs enrollment group. Second, we are within eight hours from start to finish, it is still a continuation of eight hours to complete a mission to raise the 30 Peoples, at that time the other group only tens of thousands of dollars. As before I took office, the public to raise cash to reach 500,000, in addition to all the chips also sponsor probably 500,000, this is not, and shook the other group, chasing Monternet CEO Du Mengjie is our mission. Another recent Han and may be involved in the original 'banyan tree' the founder of the restaurant founded in Shanghai 'Glad to meet you,' we may be involved in the investment in this restaurant, and now the restaurant plans to use equity and ways to raise public do. I simply combine all the chips and venture capitalists to share my understanding. Share two key words, 'Zama step' or 'playing coloratura.' All the chips are very popular today, we had to raise a lot of public meetings, a lot of micro-channel group, as in the past to raise public buy Hundred Regiments thousands of World War II mission, all areas of P2P, in China as long as the new model is a bunch of people to this hot fried things, know and do not know who came in after every boom receded, who Mochuanneiku know. Customers like the same, why finally we have to think about a problem, buy a dozen early in the year to do, then do a hundred, a thousand in the last to do so. But now able to operate good, high-quality, very good revenue and profit are few to so few, the best is the US group. We Nike Shoes have to wonder why do the same thing, in the same window period, almost all financing of capital, according to my count, at that time to buy, there are about ten do buy the site, took more than $ 20 million investment . But why in the end only the US group do I personally think the best, and soon a possible IPO also. We have to think about this question, we are in the burn, a little pool in the siege, P2P is the same. I understand all the chips, all chips must be worthwhile and meaningful, it must be no doubt. So, how do all the chips in the field of entrepreneurship thing? Can be divided into two categories, the one is to raise public platform, like reviews time, chasing Monternet, to raise world public, raise public network, we are doing all raised platform. There is also a project to do all the chips, a company doing all the chips to get a product, do take a project to raise the public, or a company to come up with products that do all the chips are two things. Do not talk about all the raised platform, and I told the dream before Jay, all raise heaven and earth, all to raise net brothers to do the exchange, everyone can come to my congregation to raise a platform for exchange, I raised platform all the congregation raised nearly impossible for all projects in the future must take severe vertical, this kind of project such products, such service, in my platform, all the chips are suitable effective and valuable. There is differentiation, such as time began to go public to raise named hardware and software combination of smart devices, chasing Monternet go public to raise the cultural and creative in the design category, these are direction. Future public platform to raise an absolutely impossible such a large platform, because it is very simple, in fact, we should be more understanding there's a background, such as the current entrepreneurial background, the future of my personal understanding, expand speak very long, for many Many business areas are to platform, and then to the center of the counterculture. This is a normal, any commercial future will be converted to probiotics rather than big platform. Today the so-called big platforms, including large electricity supplier platform, the future will be mutilated. The reason is very simple, because the mobile Internet technology, coupled with the three Chinese people under the influence of confusing thoughts constraints, it is impossible to have a unified thought, every man and the whole society in these values ​​and conflict, everyone will find their own kind, will find like-minded common they think Air Jordan 13 Retro there are values ​​of ethnic groups, these groups will be a lot infinite differentiation. The future is differentiation, especially in the era of mobile Internet. A few days ago I had a quality rice network share also mentioned that the mobile Internet is really the Internet, the Internet this tool, in fact, the elimination of all barriers to information asymmetry for all commercial form, it will form a honeycomb of a coterie, the public platform to raise this matter will have a chance, but you have to be rooted in one area can be gathered for such a class of products, so that people interested in a class of service, to gather them together tightly to succeed, He was many things, or find competent people, either do a good job of work, a good project. Second, the public can come up with a very broad program to raise a lot to do all the chips, which do not have a specific product to which the services. We do the more successful restaurant (all chips case) called clouds away, took some of the public to raise equity to do. This restaurant, why some models for equity and raise it all, but also to ensure this do to the absolute and absolute equity holding shares of the company's direct chain on. Company ownership structure to go on financing models, financial angel financing VC money. In addition, each sub-chain Direct do all the chips smaller, so that your users into your shareholders, to spend his own, while he took a friend to the consumer, in fact, you are done accumulating a client resources, clouds 7-8 away in Beijing store in this mode doing, doing very well. In the CBD have an investment club with a way to do this, Nanjing University in Shanghai to do the trek coffee is made with this model. Of course, this success is the stage, even if all the chips completed, also staged service, simply stated the public to raise this matter, subsequent cash recycling is the real success. Why talk about all the chips are particularly good way of raising resources or financing mode, because not every project can give me what I want VC investment money, it is to solve the problem of asymmetric funds, so not so strong network of resources You can also do things. He at least is to start operations, including participation in a matter of lowering the threshold, it is a great social value. The first community to start lowering the threshold sponsor, second, did not say that I have the opportunity to do an investor, which I project funded, or to participate in the project in which, suddenly lowered barriers there are more people can get involved, it fully use the Internet thinking, the more social resources and social forces gathered way of doing things. However, it seems the opportunity to belong to everyone, but the opportunity is still a minority of people. Why? Very simple, today's micro-channel hot, micro-channel greatness Air Jordan 5 Retro or the strength of the place, one aspect of Zhang Xiaolong really philosophical in micro-letters, we see the micro-channel from the beginning have to now, adds many features, it changes a lot of features, only one aspect of If you look has not changed, then it's turned the page from the beginning to now have not changed, a boot is a planet a planet a villain, Zhang Xiaolong do a world of links and tools, it is his philosophy . Speaking of such things commercial purposes philosophy and I share with you today about the human wisdom of all the top and the human desire contrary, the more you want to maximize commercialization, just Nike Air Yeezy can not do this commercial, not only the pursuit of it kind of business, and ultimately will achieve the greatest success. The so-called human desires, preserving the natural, Cohesion. As an entrepreneur, no matter what all the chips do, that you desire to meet other humanity's ability to meet the better, the better his own desires devoid of. Back to the public to raise, in fact, lead to the ultimate success of the US delegation is particularly fortuitous event, the US group Wang of their greatness, the simple things become especially powerful to support the company's development of things, is the first time, the US group with DQ ice cream initiated buy, the market price of 50 dollars ShuangSeQiu US group buy is 25, suddenly issued a statement DQ ice cream, with the intent to buy US group that did not sign the agreement, we can not deliver the ice cream, we think we are is that we entrepreneurs US group how to do it when I believe a lot of people since the DQ so that we can say is that the US group to sign temporary, many people will do this, but Wang opened a couple of days they will be available for this one thing, there are two things , each participating consumers buy, everyone compensated 25 yuan, with the original 25 plus the United States and his own investment group 25 to eat the ice cream, and this single loss of 20 tens of thousands of companies not large, because this thing, Wang asked the owner, the future will clash businesses and consumers conflict occurs, the conflict value conflicts of interest, dispute how to do, who maintain the interests of businesses and if we do how US corporations generate interest, and later to the United States Value group made arrangement, consumers first, business second, employees third, fourth investor, Wang fifth. And founder of his own team in the interests of all experience feelings after, of course, in fact, anything that we think it makes sense to listen, I say to you, know that there is no power, believe and do have the power. Is not a farewell, as it is today of concern to all the congregation raised, is a good thing, and not necessarily a good thing, everyone wanted to put all the chips today, not playing coloratura but to Zama step, too many buy site of fire more, thousands of people, tens of thousands of people, we watched him dinner guests, seeing him rising up, seeing his uproarious collapse. Ancient Chinese wisdom tells us that, forever, if want a successful business, no matter what the company public to raise or, more selfless spirit to do it, you are the most selfish before a final winner, which is causal relationship. I think there are several core business elements. The first is the gene, you are the man this thing is not a perfect match, is not person sword, successful entrepreneurs are doing a successful business person sword, the sword is to cast him, and he would for this sword. Wang and I are good friends, Wang how to succeed, do particularly complex, infinitely close to the standardization of personalized services do buy things, require cautious and stingy man, Wang is such that other people can not do so generous thing, which is genetic. Gene can not start speaking, do you want to assess this thing is not the ability to reach and are not interested due to do this thing no one to give you money, even if it sometimes does not make money, especially ecstasy can, as the first interest , do this thing with your life the ultimate pursuit of a relationship this is called gene. Second, there is no doubt that in the next period of time, all the chips will be more important business areas, the fire will continue for a while, start to find the air, all the chips is a very important outlet. We say to the pig will fly typhoon, entrepreneurship we find very hard to come to the outlet, suddenly found that it has a bunch of pigs, and one that has a lot of people all the chips, the next day suddenly springing a bunch of people how to do, we must adhere to . He concluded the following, 'gene', 'find the air' and 'stick.' Celebration entrepreneur Mr. Wu Bo, the creation of the US-Australia home, followed by overseas property will be another very popular field of entrepreneurship, we also voted one such company. Need to adhere to, we need to know, typhoon pigs will fly, fell to the ground really is a pig instead of the eagle.