Don't Come -4ページ目

Don't Come


There's nothing I can do about this matter

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Supple beauty


There are many varieties of roses, 

and there is even a word to describe their gorgeous smell, hokan.

They are glossy, fragrant, and thorny, 

the kind of atmosphere you want to get close to but can't.

Generally, they attract people with their color and fragrance.

If we are to achieve our goal, what is it that the rose is looking for?

It's not just a simple display of beauty.

I'm sure those thorns have some kind of purpose to begin with.

Dandelion fluff is meant to fly far away.

The sweet nectar is for the bees to take the pollen far away.

Then what? What about the rose?

I'm a person who always thinks about those things.

I'm sure there are others who are thinking the same thing.

If you notice anything, please contact me.



見た目に艶やかで香り高くそして とげがある 


一般的に 色と香りで引きつけ 刺すことにより

目的を達成するとしたら 薔薇は何を求めてるんでしょうね。


あのとげには もともと何らかの目的があるはず

タンポポの綿毛は 遠くに飛んでいくため

甘い蜜は 花粉を蜂に遠くに持って行ってもらうため。




なんか気がついたら 連絡してね(笑

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