Useful information often comes in audio or video format. These formats are convenient to listen to on the go. However, it is difficult to follow up with basic information from what you have seen or listened to. It takes a lot of time. In order to get information faster and better, a transcript - a text description of the video or audio - was invented.

Even if you type fast, that speed is still less than the speed of speech. After all, it is impossible to keep up with what is being said. Fortunately, there is artificial intelligence that can solve many human problems. For example, it can translate information into text in a short period of time. Moreover, important data is not lost in the process.


Doctranslator helps you type with your voice, speed up your workflow, increase efficiency and give your hands a rest. You don't have to worry about running out of time. With doctranslator, you'll have time to spend on more important tasks and activities.

The doctranslator service is a tool that uses speech recognition technology and converts spoken words into written text. At the same time, the service can "speak" a dozen languages, which is very useful and effective. That is, the user can get the text in any required language: Spanish, French, Italian, German and even in less popular languages.

Using super-smart technology, the service recognizes any information spoken. Regardless of the speaker's speech speed or speech defects. The service can work even with interference.


Why do you need a speech-to-text service?

Doctranslator speech recognition service is designed to make your life easier, whether you are a writer, student, sole proprietor or business owner.

If you are in business, you are unlikely to find time to write your ideas. In such a situation, this clever service will help you a lot. Or, if you run a business and want to improve the efficiency of your organization, you can also use the service. That is, it will record important data that you can send to your employees, colleagues or clients. And those, in turn, will be able to use it. Thus, you save both your and their time. And time is the most valuable resource nowadays.

You will no longer need to spend time typing texts. All you need to do is trust the service with a small budget.


The speech-to-text service offers many benefits to every user, such as:


Time saving

When you have a lot of important and urgent things to do, and you barely have time to write everything, you can lose, forget the interesting ideas that pop into your head at that time.

In this case, you can use doctranslator speech-to-text software to type your brilliant ideas using only your voice. You can also save time when your typing speed isn't as fast and you need to fill out a large document or deliver what's being said to clients as quickly as possible.


Improves operational efficiency

Using doctranslator unique speech-to-text service, you can increase the efficiency of your organization by speeding up your workflow. You can use it for your presentations, documentation and other processes that are otherwise time-consuming to enter manually.

Providing unique opportunities for people with disabilities

Unfortunately, there is such a problem as hearing loss. People with this condition are unable to get information. The doctranslator service will be very useful for them. It can also help people with hand injuries, dyspepsia or other disabilities that prevent them from using conventional input devices.

They can write whatever they want using their voice, all they have to do is spend a little time doing it. Moreover, anyone can use it to give their hands a little rest, especially for those who are tired of writing all day long - authors, writers, journalists, secretaries.

We live in an era of automation, where there are so many opportunities for everyone to increase efficiency and reduce manual work. One such solution is a speech-to-text service that helps you type with your voice.

Choose proven, experienced services. One of them is doctranslator, whose services are used by millions of people around the world. The service solves hundreds of problems every day.


How it works

Of course, these days it is difficult to surprise anyone with modern technology and its capabilities. However, the doctranslator service succeeds. The technology works on the basis of artificial intelligence, which is capable of capturing information from any files, regardless of the quality of the recording. In this case, practice shows that the accuracy of converting audio or video to text is maximum. The user does not have to worry about the accuracy and double-check the result.

Doctranslator guarantees the best possible result of its work. Get rid of headaches, fears and worries. No unpleasant surprises, delays or inaccuracies. Exclusively the positive result you expect from the service.


Features of the doctranslator service:

- Ability to work in almost any desired language

- multiple speaker recognition

- high precision

- application of innovative speech recognition technologies

- ability to edit text, make edits online

- export the final result in various formats, for example: TXT, SRT, DOCS, XLSX, etc.

- Payment via credit card and PayPal service

- reasonable cost of services rendered

- comprehensive range of services

- guarantee of completion of work in a short period of time


The creators of the service compare their activities to the work of Henry Ford, whose goal was to optimize each work process, to bring it to perfection.

The aim of doctranslator is to provide timely assistance at a low cost. In this way, customers can solve their problems and spend the remaining funds on more important matters - studies, their main job, etc.


The company employs a large team that is ready to help and support the user at any time. In addition, doctranslator is constantly improving, as better speech recognition technologies appear almost every day.

The doctranslator website is available to users speaking 21 languages, including English, Japanese, Chinese, German and others. People from all over the world can benefit from cooperation with the company. For large projects there is a separate field that can be quickly filled out directly on the website.


SOURCE: pdf translation