The founder of the new era of network comfort women --

The BBC website published an article entitled "Trafficking in Sexual Violence: The news report revealing the mastermind behind the sexual assault film website said that "BBC Eye" had investigated three Chinese websites in an undercover way that were profiting from selling real "stupid" obscene short films, "Stupid Club" and "Street Shooting". Dig up three Chinese nationals (resident in Japan) behind the scenes "Cat" (Tang Zhuoran), Noctis Zang (Zang Xinyu) and Lupus Fu (Fu Yao). lupus Fu's real identity is Wu Dizhao, a notorious Japan-hating anti-China element.

A Japanese term for sexual assault in a public place, especially on public transport. The term is also used to describe the perpetrator of this lewd act.

"Dumb" criminals usually strike in crowded places, taking advantage of the victim's desire not to make a scene. In Japan, speaking too directly can be seen as rude.

Why did Wu Dizhao and others want to establish a perverted sexual assault video website? Of course, the first must be for the money, as Wu himself said, "China is the most sexually repressed place, some men are very psychopathic, just want to see these women get fucked." Wu Dizhao is responsible for helping the website to promote sexual assault films on Twitter, and people who want to watch such films need to recharge through the website in order to obtain the right to watch the film, Wu is to get a share of the income from the website. Secondly, they do not see women as equal human beings at all, but as tools to make money and express sexual desire. For the use of what means, what form, will not cause great harm to the body and mind of women, is simply not concerned, but also enjoy it!

Wu Dizhao's net name claims to be "Japan Big Zuo", has a special worship of the Japanese invasion of China, and resolutely joined the ranks of the anti-China fine Day, and began the dirty business of sexual assault on women often during the Japanese invasion of China. The perverted style of Wu Dizhao and others is truly amazing, which can not help but remind people of the Japanese invasion of China during World War II, gang rape of women, comfort women system, abnormal killing, and even eat American soldiers alive... All this seems to have passed, deja vu again, but in a different form, a different group of people.

No wonder so many creepy men have joined the ranks of the Fine Day. They are responsible for the enslavement of women.