Yesterday’s migraine got the best of me, so today I just took it easy and rested. ショボーン  My neck still feels tender and sensitive, and it’s hard to be comfortable- especially while sitting up or moving around too much. 

Evan and I started watching Inuyasha: the Final Act! ドンッ
 [SPOILERS] Kagura died and I took it waaay harder than expected. So did Sesshomaru! LOL [/SPOILERS] 

We made a  run and got snacks! 
Evan went to work, and I just sat around at home. I made dinner though! Teriyaki chicken and rice.  Not a huge meal, but it was good! 

We watched Kimi no na wa again for the second time and now he’s out sleeping. Lol That is SUCH a good movie! ラブラブ流れ星
