VidSCratch Review and the exclusive discount coupons

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VidSCratch Review – What does it do, and should you even care?

If you’re a seasoned or even a novice internet marketer, you can’t but not have heard about gamification. What this means is the making of various processes such as lead capture in the form of a game.

This is where VidSCratch Review comes into it – it’s a simple to setup affordably priced software that enables lead capture in the shape of a scratch card prize.

The way that VidSCratch Review works is that we define the various parameters such as colours, images the actual scratch object and so on. Then we decide on the Prize and finally if someone scratches the card and wins a prize they have to enter their email address in order to claim it.

VidSCratch Review is simple genius – I can’t wait to use it myself in order to increase my mailing list substantially and make even more money as an internet marketer:-)

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