The most wonderful experience | Dance boyのブログ

Dance boyのブログ

大のDisney Fan、Glee FanのBlogo(^▽^)o

Coming back to Japan!!!!
OMG! Lots of cherry blossoms!

Hi guys! How have u been?

Sory 4 not writing a blog 4 a while.

I had a really , really good time!!!
All of my memories are totally unforgettable!!

After seeing around Boston city, we went to PA by bus 4 8hours....

And met my wonderful host family!
10 members family....At first I was'nt sure if I can be a member of them
But I didn't need to care about such a thing
They were all kind to me,including 7months baby or 2-year-old boy
I cannot describe how wonderful they were!

Anyway I've learned thousands of things through this program
About how Christian live,how they study,how they communicate with others ,and how much they had love 4 their family

The photos of MIT and Harvard!

Oh I started FB so if u find me please be my friend😃
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