Vincent Fiascoのブログ

Vincent Fiascoのブログ


Nu-Moon Report by Fra. G.I.M.D-44
Sun in Cancer
Moon in Taurus
Arrived at Fra. Shade's abode at around 8:15 P.M. or so after being picked up by Fra. J.M. We arrived to meet Fra. Shade, Aion and Sor. R. Making five participants in working. We ate some light food and had a glass of wine. We retired to Temple thereabouts 9 P.M. We sat and centered. Fra. S commenced a Spacemarks Banishing Rite. We then performed 11* and partook of sacrament. During chanting, I had a vision of a Butterfly Goddess whose wings unfurled a blanket of light. Underneath her was a Crystal Light Flower which unfolded to separate light petals which flowed upward. We then did a bibliomancy of Al. wherein I picked 1.45 "45. The Perfect and the Perfect are one Perfect and not two; nay, are none" which also can be elucidated by the commentary at end of report. My liber P.P was this..."The forces of Shaitan have ye engendered, calling forth the nexus of the ninety-three wherein to work your Will. Separation for the joy of Union have ye known, and Alchemy is Science to your Art. The others had visions as well, and separate tarot draws and bibliomancy, it shows my lack of preparation and laziness as a Magickian that I did not record all in M.D. no matter...I picked the High Priestess Card. I believe our add number was 92 which Fra. Aion added up quite quickly. added together adds up to 11...subtracted is 7...Multiplied is 18..divided is 4.5. The Vision of Aion was of Maat in Dragonfly form holding an Ankh. What is curious is that Fra. Shade had us look at the pillows we were sitting on and Aion was sitting on a Dragonfly, and I a Butterfly! Fra. J.M. had a vision of Bast and Soror R. of a Basket of snakes and Maat's Emblem. Fra. Shade wrote some of the details of the rite in his M.D. We spoke for a bit after Fra. Aion and Sor. R left of the state of evolution and other topics of note. I am sad to find out that a spike of violence happened after this working in which many tragedies occurred. I hope that this is just a last vestige before the light we created manifests fully in the Full of the Luna. -Fra. G.I.M.D.-44 Comment to 1.45, "45. Perhaps means that adding perfection to perfection results in the unity and ultimately the Negativity.

But I think there is much more than this." 93