I try not to write personal stuff in English
as my kids can read it

so hopefully I delete this before I die...

Hopefully I won't before the age my father passed away 

He was 62 

I still have 5 years and a bit to go 

I may try to write my blog in English in the near future 

Maybe by using another platform 

I like the directness of English 

I liked it as a kid already 

Of course in Japan I had to learn American English 

Which wasn't the easiest to learn 

I pretty much had to re-learn English here 

English I learnt in Japan confused me greatly 

This is such a boring topic though haha

And I realised that I have hardly ever written my personal stuff in English 

Like a diary 

Only write emails and short messages at work and to friends these days 

And sometimes reports at work 

I don't write about myself often 

Maybe I start writing more in English 

And practicing expressing my feelings in English...