私はまだ病気です ○| ̄|_

Sick of always being sick ((o(-゛-;)

As I look out the window at the lovely rain
ignoring the pain I feel now is all I can think of.

It's been years since I last went sun bathing.
Now simply strolling down the street on a sunny day
can cause an outbreak.

(。・ε・。) *pouting*
Wish there was a pair of fangs with this,
simply burning in the sun and fainting is so not fun.

Just glad my face doesn't burn that easy,
though... I seem to be more cautious about it
than any other part of the body.

There's no job accepting ill people,
but I'm still wishing I lived alone somewhere
because mother keeps insisting I eat, a lot,
even when I'm not hungry?

We live in a tough world, sometimes
pretending I'm tough too is all I can,
though it's rather fair to assume
I'm tough due to my strong will and spirit
and not due to my built.

I admit, I'm envious on healthy gorgeous people
who get to achieve their goals, mainly cuz of their built.

being mostly on the observing part of things
does have it's advantages.
I can give critique and advice form
any angle of the social spectrum.

Staying positive and optimistic even...
even when you're in pain is hard,
but I'm like a perpetual child at heart..
ok, ok, at heart and mind.
I'm still easily embarrassed, misunderstand,
immature in many points, naive and all that
but... let's just say that I'm...
sometimes easily controllable and
sometimes simply controlling.
it always depends on what's at stake
or what the subject matter is.

The rain seems to have stopped.
the eerie sounds of dripping waters,
the working equipment screeches of a
construction site just down the road,
All appears to be echoed by my migraine.

But alas, with words written
and pages turned I put on some music
and return to my studies.

All seems well, all be well.


A flower seems to have fallen.


Rain started again...