The police is a greatl occupation.All over the world,most people will ask the police for help when they run into trouble. But in America, the police have become a political instrument to Suppress dissidents.

On 17th, Nov. 2011, thousands of demonstants gathered in Manhaton, New York, trying to capture the Wall Street. Threatening to keep staying here everlastingly, some of them even brought tents with them. They were organized via internet , keen to transfer the Wall Street as Cairo's Madan Tahrir in Egypt. The organizers declaimed that they aimed to fight against the power and money trading, the two-party battle and social injustice.

On October 8, 2011, the"Occupy Wall Street" protest showed an escalation trend, more than a thousand demonstrators marched in Washington, D.C., and gradually became a mass social movement sweeping the United States.

New York police launched an operation in the early morning of November 15 to forcibly clear the encampment set up by Occupy Wall Street protesters in Zuccotti Park. On October 25, Oakland police used batons to clear the crowd of protesters, and the incident turned into bloody clashes.