So, everytime i go to the mall or w.e. i always spend money on something i really dont need o(TωT ).

OK! So this is my official list of what i NEED to buy over the coarse of my life! Ermmm well problyjust a couple months ( ̄∇ ̄+) OK So here we go!!:

1. Another pair of Uggs (Classic Tall).
2. MAC face and body foundation
3. MAC fluidline
4. MAC 209 eyeliner brush
5. Chanel Ecriture De Chanel eyeliner
6. Chanel Le Vernis Gold Lame nail polish
(7.) Get my nails done (or do my nails).***
7. Some sort of poncho
8. Nordic print
9. Something from Gillyhicks
10. More lashes?

*** Okk i can't officially do 7 since i have keyboarding class, and usually when i have nails they mess me up when i'm typing. So around February, i can get them done!

Ahh i've been really busy lately, back to school and stuff D: FML.
Oh well at least a new season of Jersey Shore is on in a couple hours <3 Snooksラブラブ

I've been straightening my hair a lot recentally, since im getting tired of always having it curly!Ughh idk whats wrong with me! And also, i feel like i'm getting bored with my bangsヾ( ´ー`)
Soo i felt like drawing something <3
Haha okk bye guyyss べーっだ!

Gah! Im sorry i havent posed on New Year's, the problem was i had gotten food poisoning! ( °д°)
So i didnt feel good on New Year's Eve & New Years! But yesterday, i did manage to get out of
bed to go and see the Fighter. OHMYGOD! That was such a good movie !! I hope it wins lots of awards!!

So today i went to the museum with my mom (⌒¬⌒*)!
It was really good, and i dont think i was supposed to take any pictures, but i managed to sneak my phone in through some of my favorite pieces にひひ!

So when i walked in to the museum, the first thing that i saw was this beautiful statue:

Then i saw this painting, and when you look at it, you see more than one thing! (θωθ)/~
$CooladaGyaruのブログ-many faces

Then when i walked into another room, the whole room was filled with this graffitti and you realized that that was the art that they were displaying!

Then here are a couple of pictures that i thought were nice, and i liked them because they
were somewhat peaceful!

Then the next room had some paintings by Van Goh, and of course i took a picture of one of
the most famous ones! :D
$CooladaGyaruのブログ-van goh

And the picture in the same room (wasnt by Van Goh) had an extrordinary amount of detail
and i thought it was great!

While walking to the stairs, i saw this nice area, and i loved how it looked Christmas-y(・ε・)

Then in another room of the early artworks, i saw this picture, and i noticed there was a couch
beneath it, and i was like "ooh what a nice place to sit", and i realized it was part of the exhibit
Σ(゚д゚;), and i really was tired from walking!


After that i went to the 70's part of the museum where i saw some Andy Warhol paintings!
And when i first entered the room, there was this lady that was in the middle of the room in
a beach chair, and i was like WHAT IS SHE DOING?! \(゜□゜)/, and then i realized it was a
sculture! It looked so real too!!


Well that was my day at the museum!! I hope all of you had a nice New Years o(^▽^)o


Well i know that its already the New Year in Japan, but its not here yet ( ̄▽+ ̄*)!
Since its a special night today, I'm wearing Tsubasa Masuwaka's Dolly Wink #1 Dolly Sweet :33
I've been saving this pair of lashes for a special day/night, and i feel magical just wearing them! ヽ( )`ε´( )ノ! Ahh what a beautiful feeling yeah :D <3

So I decided to share my New Year's Resolutions with you guys らぶ②

1. Lose weight
2. Travel more
3. Make more friends abroad
4. Try new things (with make-up, and life)
5. Make my own lashes, with my old ones
6. To be the best i can be

So anyways, have a great New Year guys :D
$CooladaGyaruのブログ-new years