メリージェーンとの会話 (Conversations with Mary-Jane)

メリージェーンとの会話 (Conversations with Mary-Jane)

私は、この私の悪友なるメリージェーンという女が大っ嫌いだった。でも友達がほとんどない私は、実は、”私“のことがよくわからない。 だから、メリージェーンとの会話を記録して、自分で読んでみれば、もっと自分のことがわかるだろうと思ったので、この日記を始めた。






”では、できるだけ、自分自身のエクストラクトになるように、全てを書いたら? 自分がオーディエンスとして、聴きたい、と思う物だけを、つくればいい。”







彼女が偶然? テクスティングしてきた。"Texting”というのは,アメリカのスラングで、ケータイにケータイ用メールを送る、という意味のスラングだ。

メリージェーンはことのほか機嫌が良く、私との再会を喜んだ。私と10ヶ月も話をしてなかったのに、それを全然きにしてないように、私とそれは嬉しそうにでチャットしまくった。彼女は、彼女の最近の写真を送ってきた。やせていて、とても綺麗になっていた。ティンカーベルのようなブロンドのバンに、白のポルカドットのついた赤いホルタードレスを着て、メーカップも、都会風で、口紅も赤くて、とてもかっこいい。最近のメリージェーンに、何が起こったのだろう? とても健康的で,おしゃれだ。


Then, Mary-Jane suggested something.
"Why don't you do things you didn't do when you lived in NY, and regretted?"
That's a great question.  I used to live in NY.  But things I didn't do was because of money.
I wanted to take a professional head-shot by a fabulous New Yorker photographer.  It used to cost like $100, now $280 per the smallest, 1-hour head-sahot sessiosn.  I wanted to take dance classes, but never did, because I was always broke.  I also wanted to see real musicals and plays in New York.  But I never did, because they were expensive.  I also always wanted to see real deal jazz musicians...the top notch in the world performance in New York City.

So, I started researching on the jazz clubs in New york on Yelp.com.
First, I was interested in Blue Note, because it was a legendary place in New York.  But I saw people reviews said, they really didn't like the place because over charged, and service  and seats are not that good.   That would ruin the experience of a jazz club even if their music is good.
Then the engineer R said, a jazz club called Birdland is a very cool place.  I started reading a review, and then took their address into my map on my iPod Touch.

Yes, we did chatted about...maybe 2 hours to just catch up.  Finally, I needed to talk about the main thing I needed to talk about.

"It's about the copyright on those 2 songs, isn't it?"  Mary-Jane asked.
"How do you know?'  I was surprised by her answer and asked back.
" Well, you kind of mentioned by the way you talked bout your project.  2songs are done, mastered.  So what are you waiting for?   Besides..."
"Beside, I will go to New York in 10 days."
"OMG, are you going go to New York City??!"
"Did you know that?"
"I kinda did... So have you made an appointment with anybody from a WME Agency in New York City to have your song heard? 
"Ah, not yet.  I'm kinda busy..."

”それは、あの2曲の著作権の話でしょう?” と、メリージェーンは聞いてきた。
”なんで知ってるの?” 私は驚いて彼女に聞いた。
”あなたのプロジェクトの話をしている時に、あなたがを言ってたわ。2曲が終わってマスタリングが終わったんでしょ。何を待ってるの? それに。。。”

Then, Mary-Jane got mad at me out of the blue, all agitated.
"Doing what?"  It'll be 10 days away.  Go ahead and upload the songs!!"
"The copyright costs about $69 nowadays!!!!"
"So???  You gotta do what you gotta do!!   That's the every beginning of business.  Seriously.  Get done."
"What else should I do??"
Mary-Jane said very this strongly.
"Do call the agency first, to see if there's any room for solicited music materials.  Ask them if they can meet you at their office while you are in New York City, which is 5/20 or 5/21 depending on your flight schedule.
Tell them you are interested in being an artist/ record producer to manage.   They might tell you a code for you to send out your demo package.  They might really meet you.  Maybe you can find a manager who can represents you to even for the major label contract, I don't know.   Then it's arranged, then quickly copyright your 2 songs.  The set-up, Reverbnation and my space."
"OK....what if they were not interested?  Or I was a wrong place?"
"You have nothing to lose."   Mary-Jane said with a confidence. 
" Just give it a shot.  The they might give you a chance. Or find someone else."

I just ran into a person who I would least likely to run into.   That was Mary-Jane.
I checked my last bog here.  Last time I talk to her was, back in November,  That means I haven't seen her for a whole 6 months!  I actually felt longer, like 2 years.   I actually totally forgot about her.  But somebody brought this chic to a musician's party or whatever.  She is a music publicist, so she knows just about everybody in this industry. 

I was actually terrified by how she would react to this meet-up.  She might nag at me, or ignore me like nothing happened, or missed me.
I just said "hi" to her.  And we started talking for whole 5 hours after that first "hi".  I couldn't believe how I was stressed out by my work, and other things.   She never cheered me up this much before.  I couldn't deny that I really missed her. 



I just happened to talk to Mary-Jane.  I have trouble with not being able to find the string patch I need and want for NWQ song.   The problem is, the other string patch I used for CD song is too slow.  I need a very energetic, fast strings that excites me.

I flipped through every where, but I can't find it.  I'm not able to find the Sy drum, that was originally in Trinity,either.   If I can't find these 2 core patches, I can not re-produce NWQ to top the original.

Then Mary-Jane came up with crazy idea.   I recently said, I found my dear performance of Ravel's Bolero from Youtube.  It was conducted by Karajan, and I had a tape of this very same orchestral performance, but I lost the tape.  In fact, I remember when I saw it last.  I left it in Ohio, but nobody sent it back for me, I guess.  That's how I remember.  But now I found the lost recording I 've been craving to listen to.

Mary-Jane said, "Chop up and sample the orchestra Karajan conducted for Bolero or New World Symphony."

Wow.  That's a very interesting to say.  It is very time -consuming, but if it's successful, Karajan can be a part of my song.   And I have to find the perfect unison in i either Bb or C to map it out on the sampler.  Is it possible??    I also have to fins a digital version, instead of something taped on an ol' school tape.

I can look into it.  The idea itself is cool, but I'm not sure if that works at all.  But it sounds very original.  It might be worth the sacrifice and struggle.
The mastering engineered just asked me if I wanted to go for the second mastering session.  He said he would have a re-amping session for his band, so he had only 1 hour or so for my CS song.  The first mastered verson wasn't good.  The enhancement was too sheer, you couldn't

We basically applied the same mastering  method from SOB song.  He made 2 versions.  One is Dynamic Range 7, which is kinda normal, another is Dynamic Range 5, which is louder.

I kept listening to it, but it's very hard to say which is better until I put the CD in the car and listen.  Sounds like DR sounds better, but I feel like I hear a distortion somewhere I never hard before.  DR7 sounds great too, but I feel like I need more push. 

I personally think, if we should go for somewhere in the middle,which is DR 6.

As far as the suggestion Mary-Jane made for the bass volume automation didn't work, but I put the 2 basses's pan back to dead center to make the bass line "one".  her suggestion was right and successful about bringing me to the awareness for the bass line.  Then the songs sounds much cleaner.  It actually made a huge difference.

The mastering engineer's been sick really bad, but he just recovered.  So we decide to put the CS song in the first mastering process. 

I wanted to have a very sheer mastering.  We decided not to tweak much because the final nix sounded good already. 

I liked the way it sounded, but it needed to be louder.  So I was thinking about messing with the volume of shark drum, but I think kit's a better idea to wait unless the engineer runs through this again in mastering to check the right level.....a little louder.  Then fix the missing volume of shark drum. 

When I though about my 2nd song is going through mastering, I felt like I was free.  Like, free from a bad spell.  I've been feeling stranded or strapped in a glass box all the time.  But I guess for me to be is coming very soon.  I can pitch into a bunch of different places for business.  But the thing is, I might have to me own...star to perform.  I may not be just ended as a composer.  Maybe I should be a performer too.'

I used to have craving to perform, whatever the free form was.  Now I think it's a bit too much exhausting or a risk.. I don't know what to think.  I even don't know what to start.
Until the 2nd  song is mastered, I wasn't gonna call Mary-Jane.  Then she emailed me out of the blue.  I thought she was pissed at me too, but she left me a message.  And it was the least expected thing to hear from her.

"Turn up the bass line a little and automate it."

What??!!  Sjnce when she knows about engineering?  But since her automation idea woeked out, I decided to tale her suggstion.  Let get this done and masterd.
I don't give a shit if Mary-Jane gets pissed at me or not.  The deadline is coming, which is November 1st.  I have to get the 2nd song mastered, and uploaded to Reverbnation.  I want pitch my songs into those competitions. 

But, why does it cost $30 to enter one competition?  Is it an easy money-grab by record companies?  Well, still, you have to start something.  If you think $30 as an investment, and worth getting your works noticed, then work for it and pay for it.  It is a necessary cost, and if you think about it, it's much better to pitch them into the right places.   Check the names of judges.  Then you can figure out the dynamic of the auditions.  o, I have to have at least 2 songs down.