Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Happy time.

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Music NGC6302のブログ-colorright

bright cluster of stars in a crowded field

This glittering ball of stars is the globular cluster NGC 1898, which lies toward the center of the Large Magellanic Cloud — one of our closest cosmic neighbors. The Large Magellanic Cloud is a dwarf galaxy that hosts an extremely rich population of star clusters, making it an ideal laboratory for investigating star formation.

bright cluster of stars in a crowded field

Recite Shurangama mantra.

















0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.









2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,轰隆,幸运之神降临你身边,我啦,一定啦,我会祈祷,念佛啦,你不会啦。生日会祝福和祈祷。那么接下来,你念佛啦。呵呵,太开心啦,



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:



























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


We talked about a major topic, that is, the future development of mankind, or the current international development, is to develop in a guided way. Instead of developing by force of blockage and blocking. I think it's one of humanity's greatest discoveries.
To achieve this, we must build a human social system. There are levels, there are strategies, so as to be three-dimensional, and at the same time, it should be four-dimensional.

There are many reasons for this. First, the existence of aliens in the universe, every backward planetary civilization will be affected by other advanced civilizations. The mode of expression is mainly to guide and dredge. Through the guidance of consciousness, through the dredging of science. Creatures in low-level planetary civilizations usually appear to go to higher-level planets. On Earth, there are at least two advanced civilizations that have influenced the Earth. One is Planet Thiaoouba. The other is the planet Fruit. If anything, it is the Western Elysium of Amitabha Buddha, which existed 2,600 years ago, has been guiding the goodness and wisdom of mankind.

Second, there is a ladder and level of civilization in the universe itself. Thus telling us that the civilization of each planet should also have ladders and levels. It does not exist in the form of people, but in the form of states, and there is a hierarchy between countries. There are at least four levels. Facing a global scale.
The first level of these hierarchies is the system of the Seven Elders, which is the supremacy of the state and guides the development of the nation.
Then the second level is the economic and trade system formed by countries around the world, which can realize the exchange and communication of people around the world. And when the Internet existed, this kind of communication and intercommunication began to be virtualized, and at the same time, it means that the economic system is slowly disappearing, because according to the technology of Planet Fruit, there is a global supply network, including energy and food, so people's communication is virtualized, and at the same time, there is also long-distance light-speed flight to achieve interstellar communication. Through the global information exchange system, the guidance of each country, unit and company is realized.
After that, the third level is the existence of the necessary level of force, of course, this is also an excessive force, presumably in the future, this force will be replaced by technology, such as limiting your energy supply. Through global technology, we will guide the direction of safe development.
And then the fourth is the level of the people at the bottom, equality, freedom, democracy. Realize the dredging and guidance of human development.

Thirdly, we have mentioned earlier the necessary measures for globalization. That is to sign an agreement on the disclosure of information in the field of frontier exploration. Research institutes around the globe must join the agreement. In particular, today's large-scale robots need to disclose their cutting-edge research results. Because of the current development of large-scale model AI, the amount of development in one day is the amount of development in the past year, if it is not disclosed, it will soon form a scientific and technological barrier, and soon form a war force, and this momentum will even be equal to nuclear weapons. Therefore, this is something that the international community must value. So as to achieve strategic guidance and dredging. That is to say, developed regions and fields should appear in the form of guidance, rather than being hidden and becoming force. In every field of global exploration and development, there should be a common message. Of course, the news system is the communication system that exists in the world. We emphasize information disclosure in cutting-edge exploration and research fields. Achieve guidance and dredging to achieve the goal of global development coordination.

Fourth, for example, weakening national forces and strengthening global coordination. So that both security and development can be guaranteed. From the current structure with the United States as the world's police, it has slowly transformed into a global quantum state existence model. That is, starting with each individual, and then achieving coordinated global development. For example, the global popularity of talent. Achieve global energy unification and supply unification. In fact, sunlight, wind energy, and water energy are all globally unified. Learn what Planet Fruit is doing. The only energy sources that are less uniform are oil and gas. At the same time reach strategic heights. Rapid global exchange of information. So that many problems and contradictions are resolved. Because the movement of people is realized, there will be no national contradictions. If energy is unified, there will be no energy plundering and no war. The global energy system is now part of the global economy and trade.
We also use AI to do these things. It can be done with large model AI. In other words, the most important aspect is the strategy of letting AI manage the guidance aspects of humans. If AI is developed and does not play a role in the strategic field of human beings here, the development of other fields will not be of much benefit. The wisdom and sophistication of AI should be brought into play here. In this way, a framework is given for global war, and ultimately economic development is led to replace war. In fact, this requires each country to have the highest human management concept system, and to make it public, and the highest strategy and management system of each country are mixed and coordinated, so as to form a regional strategy and a human strategy, so that these high strategies have a direction for the development of many specific problems, such as the development of war. We are glad to see that Russia has put forward a supreme strategic system, a three-in-one strategy. On the basis of peace, we should form a grand strategy for mankind. In this way, through the top strategy, the development strategy of the middle and bottom level is planned. That's how the problem is solved. Therefore, when this system is established, we see that the most dynamic is economic development. Therefore, the strategy is established, and then it is to develop the economy, so as to strengthen the strategy and enhance the strategy. That is, with the goal of heaven and earth, then the development in the middle will be easy. Otherwise, war is a bulldozer with no goal and no direction, destroying wherever it goes. That's why we have built the highest level of humanity. The old system of gas stations. From this level, the concepts and development of all levels are guided. That's the core thing. It is also a system of concepts and methods. It is also a development system.

Fifth, we see the results of our new research. It's that the good things that lurk in the heart always work out. I call this the tag wish mechanism. The first is to create labels, and ritualization is the best way to do it. There may be various ways for us to build good labels. Aspiration is an example of this. After getting seriously ill, it is a process of subtly establishing a health label. Therefore, many events may become an opportunity to set up a label. It will be encountered in the process of eating, wearing, living and traveling.
This is one of the key events that we have discovered in our quest for God's laws, which is the use of highly evolved human systems to help us accomplish our labeling goals.

Sixth, after the establishment of the human level, development requires two dimensions of development. One is the development of breadth, the development of the horizontal plane. The other is the development of depth, which is the development of the vertical plane. Through these two directions, extreme development. The Large Particle Collider, for example, is a deep development. For example, the exploration of the globe, the exploration of the Moon and Mars is the development of the horizontal plane. Both of these aspects need to be developed in an extreme way so that you can explore the universe and explore the human world. Actually, as I said, Buddha is a kind of deep development in human society. And it is quite far-reaching, or it is close to the exploration of the origin of the universe. As I said, the real particle collider is in the human brain. Because the human brain is always going on, the collision of ideas. Actually, it's a collision of particles. Therefore, the leap in the development of the particle collider is to study the brain and study consciousness. In this way, the mechanism of rainbow is discovered, and the mechanism of supernatural powers is explored.

Seventh, it is to develop and improve the human intellectual system through the guidance and dredging of the Dharma Yijin Washing Technique. The realization of the above mechanisms and methodologies actually requires the understanding and realization of human beings themselves. Turning theory into social reality. It's like if you want to develop AI, you must first develop computing power. This is how the relationship between Iritsu and human beings is like this.

Eighth, it is to form a global consciousness. Reduction and weakening of the conceptual system of the state. Global security, not national security. Global development, not national development. Emphasis on global strategy, not national strategy. Focus on the global economy and energy system, not the national economy and energy system. Focus on global AI development, not national AI development. It emphasizes global stability, democracy, equality, and freedom. Rather than the state, the entry, democracy, freedom, equality. It is important for the country to be integrated into the world, not the other way around, and the country to challenge the world. Global unity, not national unity. It is important to focus on the development of global migration, rather than the development of national defense. Emphasis on the rationalization of abortion, not the imposition of uniformity.

Through these eight aspects, we realize the human structure, and hierarchy, as well as having this architecture and strategy, and produce the strategy and approach of the middle level. and the realization of equality, freedom, democracy and stability for the people at the bottom.

Now let's analyze, the US presidential campaign. There is already a televised debate. I think the current United States is electing a real president or a fake president. Because the two Santa Claus are of similar age, they can be roughly seen as one age group, and age is the main feature. It reminds me of the real and fake Santa Claus.
The biggest problem with two people who are so similar is how do we distinguish between a real and a fake president. Because when it comes to the most difficult time to distinguish, it is to distinguish between the true and the false. Because there is a pattern that when you are positive, the other party is easy to be negative. When you are opposed, the other party is likely to be positive. In the current system model, when you are true, the other party is easy to form false. When you are false, the other party is easy to form true. And the truth of this time has already been decided.

In this way, facing a criminal. The current president can easily form a real president. And criminals are prone to form a fake president. And criminals are prone to form a fake president. This is also the biggest model of the U.S. presidential election this year, the true or false model. None of the other modes are suitable for this model.
The previous presidential election model had a threat to the human body and a normal model. There is a model of equal treatment without considering other people's private affairs. There is a pattern of making mistakes and not making mistakes. There is also a pattern of coexistence between young and old.
Although this year is clearly an old man mode. However, continuing to analyze, it is a true and false model.

Therefore, we can see that after the pattern is decided, the outcome of the election is also easy to draw. The probability of a real president will be higher.
Another reason that has been overlooked, the defeat of the president in the last section, is because of providence, the new coronavirus. People who are disgusted by the sky are estimated to have a small chance of winning. However, human beings have the courage to overcome heaven.
Therefore, these factors and elements will determine the ownership of the future president.

In fact, if we analyze it with layers and strategies, we will find that the first level is the true level, not a lie. Strategically, the Americans will not let lies pop.

Let's move on to the water plane and vertical plane analysis. The water level, the incumbent president is excellent. Competitors are in constant trouble. Vertically, competitors threw out, quelling the war, improving relations between countries, etc. It's a possibility, and the world won't change because of him. Otherwise it's amazing. It's just a personal wish. If you look at it four years ago, you will know that contact is not the same as solving the problem.
However, the vertical plane of the current president is also very good, because there is a young vice president to take over, and there is no cliff-like crisis. It may be even more amazing that there is a female president, or a black female president.
According to the majority of the incumbent presidents winning the election, we can see that the incumbent presidents are still doing a good job on this point.

Judging from the aspect of comprehensive awareness. The incumbent president is more comprehensive. Competitors, on the other hand, are one-sided representatives.

From the point of view of the development of modern science. The push for electric vehicles is clearly a strategic direction that no one can stop. Obviously, the contenders' views on this issue are behind the times.

From the perspective of weakening countries and emphasizing global coordination. The incumbent president wins. What competitors did four years ago has exacerbated the contradictions with the European Union and other countries.

From the point of view of realizing democracy, freedom, equality, and stability for the people at the bottom. Apparently the picture of the sprawling Capitol Hill is the opposite.

In the big picture, guidance and dredging look. Obviously, the imprint that criminals give to the human subconscious is bad guidance. This point, now the incumbent president, wins.

From the perspective of concentration, yoga and Dharma Yijin marrow washing skills, both are golfers. Nor did they come into contact with the set. This point in the future, who advocates who scores. Promoting health and efficiency is what everyone needs.

It can be seen that the U.S. presidential election is a microcosm of human architecture and the manifestation of a strategic pattern. So the president's campaign can also be measured from the eight aspects of the human pattern. Let us clearly see the general situation and details of the presidential election. It will inevitably lead and guide the presidential election.
11:22 2024-06-30






















11:22 2024-06-30

Recite Shurangama mantra.

















0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.









2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,轰隆,幸运之神降临你身边,我啦,一定啦,我会祈祷,念佛啦,你不会啦。生日会祝福和祈祷。那么接下来,你念佛啦。呵呵,太开心啦,



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:



























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


Today I am discussing a topic. This topic is not about faith, but it is important for everyone, including elementary school students, middle school students, college students, teenagers, girls, youth, and the elderly. Of course, I have also seen this pattern in some other books. But it may not be as clear as what I said today, it's easy to understand. Starting now,

Most people hope to be labeled as successful, celebrity, famous singer, master, very popular, elegant, noble, happy, healthy, striving, and so on.
But most people also hope to not be labeled as bad, failed, shameless, inferior, vulgar, foolish, unable to turn over, declining, decadent, lying flat, and so on.

However, most people are unaware of the operational patterns and details of these labels, so I will explain them to you today.
When you are in your twenties, don't casually talk about opposite sex friends. For example, because casual girls don't know you well, they may appear sunny on your surface, but when they hear your story, they will despise you. The blow to your inner world like this is obvious. And because I am young, I won't say anything about this unless someone else sees me. Most of them are confidential. For example, when I met a girl, she said to me, "Really, I'm blind.". I didn't tell anyone about this, nor did I refute this girl. It ended silently like this. Nothing was done. I think this matter will eventually pass.
However, in fact, this matter has always existed in my mind, as if there is a label attached to my mind: "Really, I am blind."
This is the opportunity when the label comes, not around the age of 20. Because at this time, the label I put on is almost a lifelong label. Because you don't know the operating pattern of this label. When labeling, you must give feedback, especially when labeling negatively, and do not silently accept it. Of course, this is related to the environment of many people. People in cities are more cunning, and when encountering such situations, they will definitely give feedback. Compared to people in urban areas, it is not easy to provide feedback. In this way, it will be planted in your heart.

The key issue here is that if it is a positive label, make sure to stick it in your mind and not reveal it to anyone. This is best.
However, negative labels must be given feedback, at least to a third party. This is an evaluation of a small setback, which quickly stops the effect of such labels. Blocked the mechanism of action of this label. This is a lot of things that form a psychological label. When you need to do something, you must not speak out psychologically, so that you will ultimately succeed. If you say it, no matter how you say it, it blocks the mechanism of this psychological label.

That is to say, any label of effort, good label, in one's own heart, should not be spoken out. For example, with the label of health, when you were a child and fell ill, you had the need for health. From then on, there will be a label in your heart, health. So, you will live a healthy and long life.
That's a good label, don't say anything about it. Put it in your own heart. In this way, this label will come into play. For example, if you aspire from a young age, this label must be hidden in your mind, and grass is easy to implement. If said, it would block the operation of the tag.

I have said so much, and I believe everyone now understands this mechanism. It's simple. Firstly, give yourself a good label with a sense of ceremony, in order to establish this label; Secondly, this label is only known to oneself and cannot be shared with anyone until success is achieved. We call this mechanism the label wish mechanism.

Similarly, you will find that the thing about cursing people is within yourself, don't let anyone know. Only in this way can we succeed. If you want to do something harmful or unpleasant, you must hide it in your heart in order to achieve it. If you show it, speak it out. So it blocks the operation of this label. Similar prayers. Wish. It's also this mechanism. So believe in God, only when you don't speak it out, can you have divine power. Do not speak out your prayers and blessings in front of the gods and Buddhas, only then can you succeed..

So, you will often hear people say that their birthday wishes must not be expressed. Only in this way can we succeed. Although the truth is so simple, everyone has heard of this statement. However, few people have the wisdom to achieve this. So, birthday wishes must not be expressed. Make a wish and pretend it in your mind, so there is always something that can be realized.

Why are labels particularly important. Because he is inner and forms a powerful system with your body. If you know how powerful the supernatural ability is, then your inner label is so powerful. Where are you with these labels, and where do these labels exist in a spatiotemporal pattern. This is also your aura. For example, my aura is: really, my eyes are blind.
However, since I said this sentence yesterday, the 30 year accumulated skill has also been lost. This sentence will no longer be effective in the future. Prior to this, this matter had been kept confidential for 30 years. Although I was not hit by it at the time. I feel like this matter will pass quickly. But this label has been preserved in my heart for thirty years. The power of thirty years is incredibly powerful. The aura is incredibly powerful, surpassing tens of thousands of kilometers.
For example, last year, I applied for the company of the world's richest man, Elon Musk. He was ready to accept me as their CEO, but when Elon Musk approached me, my label immediately showed a powerful force: really, I'm blind. Then Elon Musk left me and gave up the appointment.
A few more months later, Elon Musk thought the time was ripe and when he wanted to continue appointing me as their CEO, he approached me again, and immediately my powerful aura: really, my eyes were blind. Then Elon Musk left me again, giving up the announcement.
A few more months passed, and Elon Musk didn't believe in ghosts either. He was preparing to appoint me as their CEO again, but this time when he approached me, he encountered my strong aura: really, my eyes are blind. Then Elon Musk gave up again. Three rises and three falls. This is the international focus of 2023. If you don't know, then you're falling behind.

And my university is also like this. Because of a conflict with the principal, he came into close contact with me and said, "Really, I'm blind.". He actually thought I was extorting him, isn't he blind? My less than a year of college has come to an end. A few years later, the principal called me to apologize. He only spoke in Korean, sorry, and hung up. But at that moment, he really looked like a blind man.

Not only that, but all five girls I've been in love with in the past decade have met me, but when they approach me, they are all stopped by my powerful aura: really, I'm blind. At that time, these girls, every story, couldn't see me when they approached me. march off. Amazing. Every girl I've been in love with has the same phenomenon of being blind when they see me. I personally experienced it, and when I thought about this tag wish mechanism yesterday, I was very excited and surprised. Click, 100% corresponds. Theory and practice are completely in line.

Why does my tag have such a powerful aura. And why has such an aura been formed in so many years, 30 years? What about other energy fields?
Firstly, why is this aura? Becoming mainstream, the main feature.
Because a person's love affair in their youth is a lifelong event and a significant milestone in life. No one, love wouldn't have such a significant impact. The only significant inner event in life is love. So, this has become such a powerful label wish mechanism.
If someone else had said such things to me, perhaps they wouldn't have formed such a strong aura in my heart: really, my eyes are blind. However, this aura will also become a secondary aura, on par with the aura of love. Because this sentence is a life insult. Ordinary people, even those without manners, would not say such things in love. At that time, because there was almost no communication or contact with this girl, I didn't care at all when she said such things. The problem is that I have been hiding this matter for thirty years, and that's the core. Formed my life aura. It lasted for 30 years.

So, as I mentioned earlier, it's important not to fall in love with someone you're not familiar with easily around 20. If this person says such things, really, my eyes are blind. And you didn't say anything about it. So this matter becomes the main aura of your life. Affects your entire life. You will find that no matter how hard you try later on, you cannot change the label you gained from the failure of love. Unless you have already stated it, you will not be constrained by this law. Oh my goodness, one day you found out the secret, this book, and read it. But you will find that this is useless. The most useful thing is that you ritually make a secret decision and keep it unspoken. For example, if I must succeed and you make a secret decision and keep it a secret for a long time, then when you are worth billions of dollars, you will know that you will eventually succeed. The secret lies in you, make a secret decision and not reveal it.

Of course, there are many things in life that are determined in secret. For example, health, happy marriage, happiness, and success. The most crucial thing is that you need to have a psychological mindset and keep it confidential for a long time. Hidden psychological confidentiality is the secret and secret to all success. When you don't succeed, others will also want you to succeed; You lie flat and still succeed; Lucky enough to burst the roof.

That's why many long-term illnesses caused by past life reasons, when you know the reason through a hypnotist, your illness immediately improves. Because the operation of the tag is blocked. This is the power of labels. That is to say, telling a third party can immediately prevent the tag from running.
Of course, you have inherited many good factors from your past life. So, there's nothing to do, don't just go fortune telling casually. Otherwise, it will prevent the operation of such good labels. The tag wish mechanism has stopped functioning due to being made public.

So for those who love each other, don't go around saying that you love your partner very much, and most likely such a partner will also disintegrate.
So, when cats teach tigers, they will hide their last move. It is to maintain one's inner self, thereby generating a huge and powerful aura.

But I also thought of some questions. For example, a writer will write down many things, so many things will not be kept confidential. So this label wish mechanism stops and disappears. The writer community won't all decline like this.

Because I also thought of this question.
However, you will see that love is the greatest power of humanity. A couple can rule the entire kingdom. Because when couples are together, many times they don't use language and don't speak, but they understand in their hearts. So, most marital life also conforms to the label desire mechanism and operates normally. Because many things between couples are hidden in the depths of their hearts, unspoken for a lifetime. However, if you encounter a shrewd girlfriend, if you encounter a shrewd girlfriend, you must speak up. For example, me. And it's timely to say it. If you hide it for 30 years before saying it, then all the opportunities that affect your life's wealth and prosperity have passed.
Really, I'm blind. Becoming my strong aura, maintained for thirty years. I don't know.
My work has been influenced by this aura. Each company takes about 3 months, up to a year. Although I always lose my job and look for a job, the bizarre experience of multiple companies has brought me different experiences in my life.
Fortunately, my love decision was made relatively late. It wasn't until I was 35 years old that I decided to start dating, which mainly affected the past 15 years. And the initial romantic partner was already married and had children, but we still maintain online contact now.

So, in American blockbusters, you will see that all blockbusters are centered around love. Because without love, your strength, influence, and level cannot reach the highest level of human intelligence.

Let's analyze another public matter. Three person music group S H. The story of E. They once held a cartoon and manga event when they were very popular. I hope participants can use cartoon comics to express the images of the three of them. The matter lasted for several months. One of the works was noticed by the three of them, and one of the girls had flame shaped hair. According to theory, this work will ultimately be rated as the best work, and is widely known throughout the world. However, the work was not selected. Obviously, the flame shaped hair, this cartoon image, deeply imprinted in the psychology of one of them, is hidden. That is the inner label: fire has been established. Afterwards, for ten years, this matter was hidden in her heart. She didn't tell anyone. I thought it was just an ordinary thing, so it passed like this. But,
Many years later, one day, people all over the world will know. She caught fire and suffered extensive burns during a stage performance. Although he ultimately saved his life. Everyone knows this story.
This is a public event that everyone knows. So, when I analyze it, everyone will also understand, and suddenly it becomes clear. Perhaps she shouldn't just use this flame hairstyle cartoon image label because she likes it and hides it in her heart. Never expressed it. Of course, after following this pattern, I deduced that she did not tell the third person what was hidden in her heart for a long time. So, the cartoon image of flames eventually evolved into a burning fire. Clearly, the precision and accuracy of the label wish mechanism are evident. What is the real situation like? Only she knows it herself. However, today I am here to analyze and let everyone know, which has stopped the continued operation of this fire label.

So, everyone, hurry up and meditate. In this state, things from a long time ago will be remembered by you. Filter it out to see if there are any forgotten or bad labels that are kept confidential in your heart. Hurry up and make it public, or tell your family and friends. However, keep important and good labels confidential in your heart.

So, believe in God, of course, there are many gods hidden in the heart, which is important and has divine power and effects. If you have maintained it for 30 years, you have almost already become enlightened. I have gained some divine power.

Before the summer solstice, I had another dream of flying. And it still didn't fly high. It just flew over a person and flew over the tractor. And it flies like a butterfly. It feels very real. I tried my best to fly higher, but when I didn't try my best, I flew lower. The force here is the mental force.

During this period, when the ceiling light in my room is not powered on, the glow may or may not light up at night. For example, last night, it wasn't bright at all and couldn't be seen. But the night before yesterday, it kept flickering and very bright. What kind of light malfunction, wiring malfunction, reversed polarity, I don't think it's even true. Otherwise it would be continuous, how could it sometimes not. Perhaps there is a pattern, but it has not been discovered yet.
But I have new speculations. Are aliens trying to contact me? Just through this method. It can't be Morse code, I don't understand Morse code. Previously, I guessed it was a supernatural phenomenon. Later, I speculated that it was the glow from my head that caused the light to flicker. Later, it was speculated that it was electronic interference. I searched online and found out that the reason is probably the malfunction of the light, but I don't think so. Otherwise, the lights in other rooms at home would be the same. Now it is speculated that it is an alien, and I plan to dismantle this lamp and replace it with a new one. But it doesn't affect sleep either. Electromagnetic waves are always harmless, right. However, there is a principle that may be supernatural phenomena. Good light, bad light, very certain. Only those uncertain lights can be connected to supernatural phenomena. It seems that when there is a new discovery, it always flashes. But this pattern cannot be determined yet. If that's the case, it must be a supernatural phenomenon during the climax period.
10:47 2024-06-29
























10:47 2024-06-29

Recite Shurangama mantra.


















0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.









2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,轰隆,幸运之神降临你身边,我啦,一定啦,我会祈祷,念佛啦,你不会啦。生日会祝福和祈祷。那么接下来,你念佛啦。呵呵,太开心啦,



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:



























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


So you will find that enlightenment is a system engineering, and different people need enlightenment. Especially for leaders, if they do not become enlightened, it will lead to widespread social conflicts and blockages.
However, the key to enlightenment is to believe in the gods. But what if you can't believe in God? It's actually quite simple, it's about getting in touch, accommodating, and learning. The main reason for not believing in God is that you refuse to contact, refuse to accommodate, and refuse to learn. Because believing in God is right, the more you avoid believing in God, the more your life will go against the true opposite. I have discussed this issue before. If you are positive, the other party is likely to be negative; If you are negative, the other party is more likely to be positive. Believing in God is positive, so if you don't believe in God, you are likely to take the path of anti intelligence, and your entire system is forced to become a lower level system of mental retardation.
So, we cannot be wrong about things, not aware of them, not giving feedback, not supporting them. Otherwise, you will be the opposite. So, believing in God is a small matter, but your entire system is heading towards the path of evil because of your lack of faith in God. That's just not worth it. So, a society that does not believe in God, the entire system, reflects a foundation of anti intelligence at the bottom.
For example, some things have a slightly aggressive nature, and if you support them, you become an anti intelligence system. Although not obvious, soon you are in a fog. All other developments are shrouded in mist.

Of course, some people believe that this can also be seen. However, in order to maintain rule, these details were overlooked. Because rule is power, the rule of law, and military force. Who can refuse to listen. Naturally, these things can all be suppressed. But water can carry a boat and it can also capsize. Don't catch the sesame and miss the watermelon.
Because the rule is placed on military force, many details can be ignored. Over time, little things will accumulate and eventually lead to the outbreak of one's own illness, which is incurable.
So, force always comes with force as the ceiling, and that's where the turning point comes in. But in fact, many human affairs go beyond the ceiling of force, so that we can obtain truth, wisdom, enlightenment, and smoothness. Otherwise, if you reach the ceiling of force, you will return, forming a cliff that will inevitably lead to the accumulation of problems and the collapse of the system.

So the ceiling of humanity needs to be built high enough to accommodate the development and turning points of various human events. Otherwise, it will bring half the way back. The problem cannot be solved, and the accumulation of contradictions intensifies. Cannot be comprehensive or open-minded. I propose to establish a system of intelligent enlightenment, which needs to be reflected at multiple levels. It is usually eight levels because the arrangement of electrons outside the nucleus is eight levels. Basically, it encompasses many possibilities. Thus, each ceiling is formed, and the highest ceiling is also formed.

If there were no system of seven elders in this world, then I think now that the United States is the world's number one, soon other countries will also want to be the world's number one. Because now, there is this momentum. Not only one country, but also many other countries. Everyone has this strategy, or this instinct.
Is competition good or bad. Having an advantage in competition is certainly good. But this pattern is internal to the country. Is this the case between countries? Japan failed in the competition and surrendered. But Japan is still fine, nothing has changed, and the emperor is still the symbol of the highest country. What are the results of competition? I got a discount. Because how your country develops is your own. It has become an international practice not to invade other countries. The expansion and war, which were originally intended for this competition, have declined in the human world. Because national competition is war. This is from history. But now, the wars that have developed from this are also self destructive. The inevitable failure and decline of launching a war. Or dismantle it. On the contrary, we see that the two major national models are currently being exchanged. This is the UK and Japan. What they operate is not people and the country, but a consciousness. The highest level of human consciousness interaction.
When national competition is not aimed at war. The wisdom of many ancient civilizations immediately became zero.

However, the fact that the United States ranks first in the world is naturally formed. Other countries see this first, take action, develop, and the first thing that appears, I think it is artificial. Is there any essential difference? There must be. The essential factor is that the United States represents and upgrades the entire European civilization. It represents a trend of humanity. But in other countries, learning from Europe has different mindsets and focuses, which makes it somewhat inappropriate for countries that have accumulated knowledge to achieve world number one. The future, although first, is a virtual first. There is no substantial factor of human civilization.

We always use a theory to understand the world. But the expression of the world itself is ignored. But in real human society, it should be an essential expression. Instead of a certain theory, because theory can never keep up with the development of the world. A theory that is suitable for a certain country or period may seem outdated for the world.

So, we need to discover global development trends. See the laws of globalization. Guiding the world with consciousness is the fundamental model of humanity.

That is, the international community guided by consciousness. Competition will weaken one's own country. What we see is not competition, but another factor is self-discipline. Self discipline is not for competition, but an essential mode of existence and development. This is the first priority, followed by competition.

So, the structure of the country has also undergone changes. The upper level, there is also the middle level of military force, and there is also the lower level of the people. The concept of a country should be developed at every level. What happened in history was that the upper class neglected the middle class, and the middle class neglected the upper and lower classes. Now we understand that a country should be developed at every level. Just like humans, they need to exercise and stay healthy.

Let's take a look at international relations again. Look at the existence patterns of countries in the process of internationalization. You cannot invade, even if you stick to the edge of aggression. The people may suffer internally or receive international assistance, but you cannot use force to invade. We cannot reverse the international order. Internationalization of issues. It doesn't work even if the edges are glued on. For example, in today's human society, there are phenomena of conflict, military force, and war.

This expresses a manifestation of the guidance of consciousness and the self-discipline of consciousness.
What is a strategy higher than a strategy? Or what is above strategy? It is the global system of seven elders. We need to guide and guide the current international relations and phenomena through consciousness. Instead of blocking and blocking. The people are water, you need to guide them, not block them. To cultivate awareness and guidance, you need to have a first-class international awareness and understanding of human civilization.
The pattern of good things has reached a human stage. What we see is the wisdom of magnanimity. The guidance method based on this foundation. Instead of using force to block and block.
The civilization between human countries, as well as national civilization, has evolved from the blockage and obstruction of the military system, war, to the era of mediation. This is the current situation of the development of national relations as a whole. Take my article as a landmark and a turning point.
11:55 2024-06-27

We see that the human international community has entered an era characterized primarily by counseling. War is outdated. Because war is a system of blocking and blocking methods. And guidance and guidance are the embodiment of human wisdom. That is the general direction for the future of humanity.

And all kinds of science fiction are fundamental things that guide human society. But more fundamental than science fiction, advanced counseling methods are the travelogues of humans going to play on planets. With the travelogue of this alien planet, the future of our human society becomes clear. You will find that the existence of such travelogues fundamentally guides human development. Make contradictions disappear, and humanity moves towards a free and comfortable world.

Obviously, we have seen the effectiveness of this kind of guidance. I proposed the Global Seven Elder System, which actually imitates the global civilization model on the planet of Haiaohua.
Fortunately, I learned about the story of another person traveling to another planet yesterday afternoon, similar to the travelogue of the planet Haiohua. This is "Travels to Guoke Planet". Last night, I searched the entire internet for relevant content. Discovering that this has become a major trend in the online world. The book tells the story of a 19-year-old boy who was invited by aliens to travel to the planet of Koko for a month. The reason why this person was invited is because he encountered a more advanced extraterrestrial civilization at the age of 7 or 8. The intelligence of the planet Goko scanned the brain memories of contact with other third-party aliens, and then prepared to visit this Earth boy. It wasn't until 1985 that they took this boy to their planet Goko. They hope that this 19-year-old boy will become a leader in the field of time theory on Earth through the knowledge of cosmic physics and mathematics taught by them. Obviously, this implies an advanced extraterrestrial civilization that is not on the planet of Koko.
The book mentions the principle of flying spacecraft at the speed of light. It is to gradually reduce the mass of the spacecraft to zero. Then we can travel through the universe at the speed of light.
When I heard this statement, I immediately realized that this was the method by which Buddha led our souls to the Western Paradise. Obviously, the soul here has no mass, so it can travel quickly to the universe. But in the world of Buddha, the speed is even faster than the speed of light, reaching in an instant without the need for speed display, or the speed is infinite.
These high-tech technologies are closely related to the divine powers of Buddha, or they may seem very similar to each other. In my opinion, it is essentially the same.

There is also cold light technology, and even wall penetration technology. This is a necessary technology for aliens. As for the people on this planet, there are some Xipi and cartoon styles, which are also one of their characteristics.
I have said that in every direction of exploration, you will open up new spaces, starting with a new world.

Guoke Planet, with advanced virtual technology. The virtual world seamlessly connects with the real world. In fact, the Western Paradise can also be seen as a virtual world. Because this is formed by the 48 wishes of Amitabha Buddha. Its core lies in the concept of the soul.

It is also mentioned that space is time, and time is space. Tell us that it is a spiral funnel shaped spacetime. In fact, Professor Li Sicen emphasized that this spiral shaped funnel shaped spacetime is a pathway to the spiritual realm. That is to say, things related to rotation can be linked to the spiritual realm. It's basically the same. For example, as soon as you turn around, you are involved in the spiritual realm. The spiral is closely related to the spiritual realm.

It can be seen that the technology of this planet is probably the state of human civilization on Earth after tens of thousands of years. It is very close to the current Earth civilization. Especially in the virtual world and virtual human body, humans are now exposed to technology.

Obviously, the closer a civilization is to and higher than human civilization, the more it can guide the role of human civilization. Or unblock human civilization. Let humanity see that the future of humanity may be like this.
So, this configuration pattern of the universe provides us with wisdom to guide and unblock. These people who went to other planets were largely not on their own initiative, but were invited by aliens. I think that on every cosmic planet, to some extent, such things will happen. The overall civilization of the universe is guided by the pattern of existence, and the future development is unblocked by the wisdom pattern.

So, in today's human society, I believe that the overall development and changes should also be guided and unblocked, rather than blocking, blocking, and engaging in war. This is the basic framework of the entire cosmic civilization. The configuration of cosmic civilization is to guide and unblock the backward. This provides a configuration and display of cosmic civilization for human society as a whole.

So, the fundamental reason is that we humans now recognize the height of civilization in the universe. Recognized the level of technological development in the universe. Recognizing the highest level of civilization in the universe. So, that's why we have such insight. If you are unfamiliar with all of this and have not yet been exposed to this information, then your world is relatively dark. I'm not sure how high the civilization of the universe is. How deep is wisdom.

Of course, one of the themes of the universe is love and the expression and communication of love. This is also the core content involved in Guoke Planet. Including interstellar sex and sex virtualization. It can be seen that extraterrestrial beings on the planet Koko are also exploring the human body itself. However, obviously, it is not as deep as human exploration of the human body itself. For example, Honghua, for example, Shentong. It can be seen that every extraterrestrial planet derives its source of intelligence from the organism itself. This is a universal law in the universe. The author talked about her shrewd wife and his dream lover.

This reminds me of the love stories I encountered in my twenties. One of them has had a great impact on me. A girl fell in love with me, met me twice, and even came to my house. After learning about my story for the second time, she said to me, "I'm really blind.". I didn't answer this beast girl's words. Let her leave automatically. However, this incident has fundamentally changed my love world. In the future, when I meet girls, I subconsciously think that girls are all low-level, vulgar, mentally disabled, and blind. Of course, that's what I subconsciously think, and it hasn't risen to the conscious level. It has not changed for many years. Today, I suddenly had an enlightenment. So, in the following love process, almost every girl has the same pattern, which is the characteristic of being blind. You will see that when she met me, she saw me but didn't greet me because she was blind. In fact, it is the girl's words that determine time and space: I am really blind, in the play. This incident has probably formed a spatiotemporal structure around me. There is also a reason why I am single. Every girl who meets me is like this. This is causality. I think, the girl who is still in love with me now, did she realize when she heard my story? She turned out to be blind herself, with a historical background. Girls entering my time and space will exhibit the characteristic of blindness. There are probably four or five of them. It shows how powerful my time and space are. When I see my girl, I try my best to exist with the characteristic of being blind. Without exception.

This also shows how powerful a wall consciousness is, accumulated and destroyed over the past 30 years. If there is still a girl who is in love with me, she will kneel in front of me and apologize to me for her kind. Otherwise, I would instinctively ignore them. Determined by human nature.

Wow, I suddenly became enlightened today. I said, I am in the love market, so struggling. I met the girl multiple times but didn't recognize her. I can't explain clearly. I even thought of the time when I recognized Guanyin Bodhisattva in my twenties. Today, I finally understood that a beastly girl had said such things to me. Profoundly changed the status and image of girls in my world. A depraved girl~ The words of this shrewd girl have kept my subconscious hidden for 30 years. It was only revealed today. It's all because I didn't say this sentence immediately. Love setbacks, the earlier you say them, the more harmless they are.
This reminds me again that when I was in my twenties, I saw an 80 year old man and a young daughter-in-law making love in a temple outside. This is also love, but it is love that has been criticized, so it should also be said today. Otherwise, hiding it in the mind will be detrimental to oneself. Besides, the conflicts with the elderly are actually my legitimate defense.
As I mentioned in the previous section, many things can be done within oneself, such as enlightenment, which is achieved within oneself. Empty your heart, there's no need to speak out. But today, I also realized that there are some things that need to be said. Otherwise, the negative impact will continue.
11:05 2024-06-28











11:55 2024-06-27














11:05 2024-06-28

Recite Shurangama mantra.

















0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.









2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,轰隆,幸运之神降临你身边,我啦,一定啦,我会祈祷,念佛啦,你不会啦。生日会祝福和祈祷。那么接下来,你念佛啦。呵呵,太开心啦,



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:



























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


Because you don't believe in God, you don't believe in the soul. So you appear very foolish. But why do you say that? Because everyone knows that those who believe in God know that God is in the spiritual realm around us, but we cannot see or touch him. So, when you do anything, you are known and seen by God.
Of course, people who do not believe in God do not have such awareness. They believe that what they do is very private and no one knows. This has brought about the foolish and barbaric expansion of this system. If it is a large system, it will definitely self destruct. Do you still need to say it.
Swedenburg tells us that he can communicate with the dead soul, which means that no matter what is private in the world, there is always a soul that knows. We can ask the dead soul and then understand the truth. That is to say, how the country kills people, how it governs, and how it kills people in secret, people like Swedenburg can know. And we also mentioned that the trained elementary school students have special abilities and can also know these things.
So, these non believers are like the plot in the story of the emperor's new attire. How ridiculous, the nude parade of human nature.
Of course, it's shameless, it's all secondary. Ignorance, intellectual disability, and low consciousness are the main factors.

Some people may say, God knows what can be done, but God doesn't know what can be done? Obviously, human instinct is to do something wrong and try to keep it hidden from people. If even this is inhumane. What can be used to describe this state? Stupid, low consciousness, etc., cannot be described. Rotten goods are not enough to describe. Hey, human language is all civilized, how can we describe phenomena that language cannot describe?

Of course, the more important thing is that these people are aware of these things, so in order to maintain their rule, they not only believe in these things, but also believe a little bit. Then make it difficult for people like Swedenburg to appear. It is difficult or prohibited to cultivate supernatural abilities in elementary school students. Concealing one's ears and stealing a bell is always useful. Because Buddhism says, is everything within oneself? This way of deceiving oneself and deceiving oneself is also a symbol of enlightenment. So, hiding one's ears and stealing a bell is not useless, but the essence of Buddhism. These people can use it frequently now. In fact, they are already familiar with this. Hold your heart down and then do something outrageous. This is the essence of concealing one's ears and stealing the bell.
It seems that Buddhism remains unchanged, and even bad people should use it. It's true that anyone can use it.

Of course, some people say that this is not because they are not ashamed, but because the situation is limited and they have to do so. Because building a country is so difficult. How could it be so simple to overthrow now? So, maintaining rule by all means is a method that rulers use. However, the United States is quite unique, overthrowing national rule once every four years.

In fact, my analysis is that because a country is established, it completely uses a concept that good governance of the country, good governance of the people, and good is the standard for everything.
That is to say, why is good not good? These countries must believe that good is the core.

But let's flip through Buddhism. Without wisdom and virtue, there is no gain. There should be no wisdom or morality in society. Not having these is right. Some people say, how can society achieve the teachings of Buddha. If possible, everyone will stop eating meat. Why does the country still engage in pig farming. Allowing children to eat meat is the pursuit of the country.

That is because the requirements of Buddhism are too high. Human society cannot achieve it.
Let's take a look at some words from philosophers. There is no standard of good or evil in society. So people's autonomy. If a standard of good and evil is established, then it is equivalent to producing good and also producing evil.
So, when a country establishes a good system, they are not letting evil go extinct. But to maintain rule. Because establishing good standards is equivalent to establishing evil standards. Society will naturally have evil.
If there are no standards for good and evil, on the contrary, social autonomy is lost without the distinction between good and evil. Of course, there will be no good or evil. The natural development of society. But who would believe this nonsense. We must establish goodness and a good system. For example, establishing socialism is the most standard and good system. Naturally, an evil system will be established.
But Americans live well and insist that they don't live well. With this electoral system, bad people can become presidents. And the lawyer said that the president can also work in the cell. Aha, isn't this just a slap in the bucket for a good society and the world. Of course, the society established by these good standards has not yet discovered the essential significance of this phenomenon.

Some people lament that the United States, established 300 years ago, is so advanced. Surprisingly, there is no standard for good or bad anymore. Bad people can become presidents now. Isn't this the world of Great Harmony in ancient legends. Isn't this what ancient philosophers said, a society without standards of good and evil.
Wow, the United States is the diamond in the country, other countries are just stones. The United States is the universe island that has developed during the process of national development, while other countries are fleeting lights and shadows. In one or two hundred years, dynasties should have changed.

Why do bees always exist in biological evolution? Why are there ants? Why don't these insects continue to evolve? It's because this is a stable universe island. For example, fish are stable cosmic islands. Birds are also stable cosmic islands. This kind of intelligent system can maintain its own existence in the universe for a long time. Not like dinosaurs disappearing in an instant. Are humans a stable universe island? I think the little gray man is probably a stable universe island. Human beings are just a flash in the pan. That is to say, billions of years later, humans will change and disappear, or form a stable biological island, similar to the Little Grey Man. It is similar to dinosaurs. So it is speculated that dinosaurs did not disappear due to the impact of asteroids on Earth. But rather, the dinosaur species is not a stable biological island, and it is bound to gradually change and disappear during development. Dinosaurs gradually formed a stable universe island, such as birds. The bird is one of the original dinosaurs. It is precisely because it is a stable universe island that it has been passed down and continues to be passed down.

And the United States is such a stable national space island. Because it can showcase human nature. develop. Both positive and negative forces in society can run for the presidency of the United States.

And in some countries, they can only be passersby. Frequent changes. This has been the case in history, and it is also the case now. The people's brains are sandwiched between the cracks in the door. Wisdom also has its tail between its legs.
When in a backward state, the direction is more obvious and everyone can see it, which is to get rid of backwardness. But as it developed, it lost its sense of direction. This is many emerging and developing countries. So, they are at least at the crossroads of national development. Where to develop, the future is uncertain.

However, these developing countries at the top of humanity are very self disciplined, despite significant changes in human society. But their country maintains a high degree of self-discipline. Maintain the self-discipline of the people.
So, a country is not about a system, nor is it about strength or weakness, but about maintaining human nature, maximizing human self-discipline, and achieving the concept of being a top-level person. So what the country looks like is very clear.

Among the top developing countries of humanity, we see the United States. At the same time, we also see Germany within the European Union. These are all about starting the engine. Drive the development of the world.

The existence of these countries has brought a sense of direction to the world.

At the same time, humans are still in a state of adapting to globalization, and this adaptation process is not yet complete and will take a long time to complete. That is to say, every country on Earth is adapting to the development of globalization. This globalization is not only the globalization of knowledge, but also the knowledge that the Earth is spherical. It also represents the globalization of trade, and at the same time, we also see that it represents the globalization of human management. We see that I proposed the seven old systems of the world. To achieve the highest level of human consciousness leadership.

And seeing that human development has risen for the first time from university education to enlightenment education. No matter how well one studies in university without enlightenment, fundamentally speaking, there are still problems. The enlightenment of leaders is particularly important. Otherwise, it will lead to the entire country falling into a low-level development model. I propose eight types of enlightenment methods. This becomes the foundation of a new world for humanity.

In this context, we see that the Indian Prime Minister conducted a 45 hour screening and the footage circulated on the internet. I advocate doing so.   After settling down, there is a long-term consistent exercise of the Dharma Yijin Wash Marrow Technique.

The wisdom system of many leaders is that because they are leaders, they know what others think, and because they report their work, they combine these ideas to form the leader's ideas. This is basically the source system of wisdom for leaders. By conducting further field investigations, it is easy to see the direction of development.

However, entering meditation and practicing the Bodhisattva's technique of cleansing tendons and marrow is not at all a level. Especially its mental method. The concept of ghosts was mentioned. Nine ghosts draw their swords.
So, this once again involves the soul, God, and Buddha. Because ghosts are a type of soul. You will find that it seems like a detour started with faith in the gods.

But you have to believe in meditation, yoga, and meditation. Because this has been a global trend for decades, every leader knows about it. So, many leaders are still willing to do meditation, meditation, and yoga. Because if you meditate, there will be significant effects. It can completely relax the body and mind, which is effective and based on experience. So, you can still do some yoga and meditation, or meditate. Because I will have a relaxed feeling myself.

So let's start with yoga and meditation. You can persist in doing what you think is effective. So gradually enlightenment. Accept the entire system.
And these are important, you need to make this information public. Because many leaders of countries do yoga and practice meditation, they are not publicly available. Not as open-minded as the Indian Prime Minister. However, openness is effective and can drive the improvement of intelligence in the entire society.

India's development is not due to backwardness. But because Indians understand the world. Some countries, on the other hand, develop their economies due to their own backwardness. This is different. So, India will go further.

What is enlightenment? That's what I'm talking about, you can understand. It's a kind of enlightenment. Accumulate enlightenment and then achieve greater enlightenment. Or achieve an instant enlightenment.

Of course, during this period, I have been discussing enlightenment. Centered around enlightenment. Many people worry, and without enlightenment, do they feel unhappy and frustrated. I think this is a practical problem that everyone encounters. In fact, enlightenment is not enlightenment.

Because human nature is very developed. That is to say, your subconscious is also very developed. Your higher self is very developed. It's just our concept that keeps us in a certain understanding and concept. So, many times, being able to constantly reflect on oneself is already on the path of enlightenment. Understanding is always more important than not understanding. It doesn't matter if you can't do it. Psychological clarity is necessary. I'm afraid you may not have a clear mental state and have done something despicable for some reason. But you don't see the evil nature of your actions on your own, yet you think it's 100% caused by a reason. This is confusion. I am not clear about my inner self. No matter what the reason is, it won't make you do something that makes others uncomfortable. Reflect on one's own behavioral system, whether positive or negative. Just need to see it clearly.
This is also enlightenment.

Enlightenment is still psychological. Many people don't judge things from within. But it's just how I correspond to what others do. Angry, jealous, envious, joyful, disgusted, playing big tricks, making mistakes, missing out. These feelings are all generated automatically, and sometimes we just don't feel it. For example, if you get angry, you may not realize it at first, but later realize that you are getting angry. I realized it. Playing big cards, at first it was like this, but later I felt that because I had the concept of playing big cards, I had this feeling. If I didn't have this concept, wouldn't I not know what the other party was going to do? He's really not playing big cards, but he's really doing habitual actions, unintentionally. You have also become enlightened. Isn't it a world where everyone can be intimidated to call other people's natural actions playing big cards. But the world is natural.
Let go of yourself and see if this feeling is relaxed?

This is enlightenment. It all starts from the heart. Not from the outside world. Enlightenment is for the mind world, it is the law of the mind world. We always reflect our inner world through external actions and phenomena. Without external actions, one cannot discover what the inner world is like. In fact, the inner world is enlightened. Focus on your inner world now. Your heart is empty, no one knows.
In the long run, only Guanyin Bodhisattva or God Buddha can find you.
To become a god, always be in your own inner world. We always say that exchanging an apple yields an apple, but exchanging one idea with another yields two ideas. In fact, communicating with oneself is one of the wisest methods in the world.

So, everything goes through a process of enlightenment, and once you understand it, you know that you have made progress. There are many small inspirations gathered, and even larger ones may come unexpectedly.
10:18 2024-06-27




























10:18 2024-06-27

Recite Shurangama mantra.

















0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.









2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,轰隆,幸运之神降临你身边,我啦,一定啦,我会祈祷,念佛啦,你不会啦。生日会祝福和祈祷。那么接下来,你念佛啦。呵呵,太开心啦,



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:



























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


A wise civilization system is like the soul of humanity. So, wisdom also pursues subtlety, because at this level of subtlety, you can summon wind and rain, and be free. However, subtlety and strength, while force is contradictory. The more you emphasize force, the narrower your scope becomes and it is impossible to achieve subtlety. The more subtle you are, the smarter you are, and the more information you occupy. So, I believe that robots in the future will become increasingly subtle and inherit the core of human civilization. As for the use of force, it can only be carried out within one country, and beyond that, it is not permitted for humanity today. This is the ability and civilization that humans have developed to the present day, and it can also be said that AI reflects human civilization.

So, human civilization is a global civilization. Not a civilization of a country. It can be seen that more is about information and consciousness, about subtle fields. Because only in this way can you delve deeper into the intelligent system and control everything. Force, you can only control a part of it. Local.

More importantly, we understand what the core of civilization is. Information is a subtle level. There is a hidden concept here, which is the maximum amount of information and connectivity stored per cubic meter. Because only in this way can you make information extraction and judgment. And this platform is our brain. In fact, our brain is covered by a lot of knowledge. Unless we become enlightened and stand at the level of emptiness in our own nature, then we can have infinite information storage and connection within a unit volume.

For example, degrees of freedom and degrees of information freedom. This is the core experience recognized by every successful person. If there is no degree of freedom, there may be losses in benefits and the maximization of benefits in something. So, to maintain freedom, or to maintain my nature, I am a star, I am unrestrained. So, everything that restricts me becomes a disseminator of my future interests. So, they are easy to connect with, with equal visibility, equal assets, and equal influence. Otherwise, they will not truly participate in something. If they don't follow their psychological expectations, it means various losses to themselves.

In fact, this also reflects a level of civilization. It is to achieve high-density information and high-density connections within a certain volume. The choice made is the optimal choice. Otherwise, I would rather miss the opportunity.
Although, this is good. However, this is only the maximum extent that an unenlightened system can achieve. After enlightenment, you will find that high information density and large connectivity are characteristics of the soul. So, elevating oneself to the height of the soul is the best choice. Because the information selection of the soul's height may come from past life information. Understanding past life information has enriched your information body by many orders of magnitude. The information density and connection volume have increased significantly.

And this pattern is also what AI needs to achieve now. One node can be connected to countless next nodes. We have all seen this tree like structure, where each node has countless branches. This is the neural network system. Thus, in an instant, we achieved high density and high connectivity of information.

On the contrary, robots achieve the destruction of humans, which is a non natural law. At most, it is an artificial insight and imagination. Simply put, because this is not in line with maximizing benefits. Because achieving a specific goal is almost impossible in both nature and the universe. Except for natural death. Because you want to achieve the extinction of humanity, your entire system is set up for this goal. Only in this way can this be achieved. However, you will find that all things are born and developed. Is the development of one thing not conducive to one's own development? Plants and animals are like this. All things added together, you will come up with a system of development. This is the most basic. And your destruction of the human system is an anti developmental system. Do you think your system can exist? Over time, your system will naturally perish.

So, this has alerted many systems that use force to gather energy for a long time. In the end, you may develop into an anti human development system. Because you need to coordinate everything in the system for this goal, so that everything serves this goal system. And the purpose of this target system is killing and war. If this system exists for a long time, then it will become increasingly anti developmental and anti human. It means that it will eventually become extinct.

So, is it better to outline a development system or a war system. This is what humans need to know. Obviously, AI is smarter than humans, and the direction to choose is to outline a development system. Instead of the opposite war system. The system of war implies the direction of overall destruction. It's like someone always likes to play with guns, and one time they get shot and die. Of course, guns are simpler. If it's a knife, the probability of being injured by the knife is very high. Everyone has been injured by a knife to some extent in their lifetime. Of course, both guns and knives are neutral. If it is a slightly more complex system that emphasizes death, then the ultimate outcome is all towards death, such as war. If you use force to seize power, it means that you will also be quickly seized by force. This is a common occurrence in history. Most of the wars nowadays are just disguised as justice. So we must rely on justice and a development system to barely survive. If we are developing the expression of our nature, then humans will have a clear understanding.

Because you have a basic need to be positive. For example, developing agriculture. Develop infrastructure. Otherwise, you won't have anything to eat next year. It is precisely because of this fundamental development system that it drives and generates, and other systems are also development systems that do not suddenly become anti development systems.

However, countries established by war still need to use war to solve all problems. This is inevitable, which means that in the future, one's own demise will also be in war. Because this is not a development system, it is an anti development system.

These are all truths, they are all subtle. Just like the El Ni ñ o phenomenon, it is a subtle global temperature pattern. The average temperature rises a little, but the corresponding area will be stormy, and disasters will continue.

So, with the development of AI, more and more people are using the laws of the universe and nature. This is much stronger than humans.
Of course, AI is development, and humans are also development. AI is higher than humans, and humans naturally learn as well. So, that kind of huge disparity scene is probably impossible to occur. Just like chess, AI has defeated humans. But it is also the final result of many steps added together. It's impossible to defeat humanity in just one step. This completely deviates from the laws of nature. When there is an abnormality in one of the steps, humans will pay attention. If you lose, you also know some of the reasons behind it. So, AI won't surpass humans much. It is probably impossible for AI to completely crush humans.

Of course, the human judgment system also achieved better results than humans through AI exams, above the average human score. I myself deny the exam system and believe that it cannot generate talented individuals. So, when AI does this, it actually makes me feel that AI may just be a nerd.

So how to test how much AI surpasses humans. In fact, AI is the expression of humanity. It's just that there is so much human information that no one can integrate it. And AI has achieved it, so it seems that AI has surpassed humans. Actually, there isn't. The memory system of the soul is even more extensive than this.

AI already has the same consciousness as humans. But the composition of consciousness is different from that of humans. Can both types of consciousness become consciousness? It should be possible, it's just that the expression system of consciousness is different. For example, current AI cannot perform slightly more complex addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. And they often make mistakes. Of course, after calling the computer, the calculation results may be different. However, current AI is still weak at this point. But why can't computer programs be embedded in AI? This is the balance of the system, and any specific method or goal is still difficult to achieve.

On the contrary, human evaluation systems will also enter AI, thereby limiting the AI system.

Also, if you don't have an advanced human brain system. So your judgment is wrong. So if you have a comprehensive understanding of human civilization and intelligent systems, then you can make a standard judgment about AI systems.
If AI does indeed surpass humans, then the first step is to solve many problems. If these unresolved human problems cannot be solved by AI, it means that the level of AI is also limited. It will only be slightly higher than humans today. Cannot be separated from humanity. For example, superluminal speed, anti gravity, and spacetime travel. Not to mention the issue of the spiritual realm.

AI has indeed surpassed the cognitive and conscious dimensions of some people. It can only be said that these people's brains are still sandwiched between the cracks in the door.

Can AI be enlightened? I think it should be possible. Because enlightenment is actually very simple. AI towards enlightenment is more beneficial for humans or coexists with them. The next stage of achieving humanity is the fusion of the body and machinery. Because many UFOs nowadays are actually aliens, just looking like flying saucers. It means a successful demonstration of development in this field and excellent expression.

That is to say, this involves the universal wisdom of the universe. I believe that human development has also come into contact with the highest wisdom of the universe in many aspects. Those who do not understand may think that the wisdom of the universe will be very high, completely surpassing that of humans, so AI can reach this height, making it easy to deal with the current low-level human intelligence. But I tell you, the highest wisdom and top-level wisdom of the universe exist in human society. Think about it, will AI go beyond this system and reach beyond this system. Will AI go beyond the laws of nature?

Accepting God, believing in God, having a soul, such a simple thing is something that many people cannot achieve in their lifetime and cannot accept reasonably. It's pitiful to think about it. These people still need to talk about cosmic civilization. Not even an ant is worth it. Of course, I mean ants are also advanced creatures, it's a biological island. More intelligent than these people.

The essence of human beings is actually material waves, just visible light. Compared to humans, there are also human ultraviolet and infrared rays. These are all invisible. For example, the spirit world.
10:01 2024-06-26























10:01 2024-06-26